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mingi is the bully in this.. but he low-key has a crush on y/n so it's okay😕

finally.. the end of school!

as y/n heard the bell she immediately got out of her chair, running towards the classroom door. she was excited as she had extra money and could go to the ice cream store after school, as long as she was home before 5 her parents wouldn't care.

she walked along the sidewalk, making her way to the ice cream shop. it was pretty busy so she decided to go the less crowded way. it would take a few more minutes but it's fine. she zipped up her jacket as she felt the coldness hit her. this way was dark and was much colder than the main town, it was surrounded by alleyways and there was a lot more crime here. but she didn't have a care in the world, as long as she got her ice cream then everything was fine! as she strolled through the street, occasionally checking her watch for the time (she didn't want to get her phone out in case it was stolen) she heard a group of people talking a little further ahead. she dropped her head, looking at the floor and trying to pass by quickly whilst going unnoticed. she was suddenly stopped by someone, she looked at the two feet in front of her and her heart sank. she slowly looked up and immediately recognised him as song mingi. he was a well known guy around school, although he never really attended school.. he would just hang around with his friends or "gang" as people would like to call them.

"what are you doing here?" he said, looking down at her as he was much taller
"what? why does it matter?" she said, her heart beating rapidly
"mingi stop talking to her, just get to the point" one of his friends said, causing y/n to look at him in shock. 'is he robbing me?' she thought to herself
"it's dangerous here you should get going" mingi whispered to her, so his friends wouldn't notice
"i was trying to but you stopped me.." she said in confusion and frustration as she stared up at him
"i know..." he said awkwardly before one of his friends came over. he tossed his cigarette to the ground and crossed his arms, staring intensely into y/n's eyes, making her feel uncomfortable.
"what's he saying to you?" he said, looking at mingi in annoyance. y/n stared at him cluelessly, knowing that mingi was just trying to be nice and he would be given grief if she told him the truth.
"he is robbing me?" she said, lying, in a confused tone. mingi suddenly smiled at her, hiding his blush by pretending to wipe his face with his shirt.
"so he's not flirting with you?" his friend said thankfully, looking at mingi who immediately went back to his serious self as he saw his friend looking at him. y/n shook her head and smiled at them, she quickly adjusted her bag straps on her shoulders and started to walk away
"i will be going now, goodbye mingi" she said happily, she slowly disappeared from their sight as she walked towards the store.

mingi pov

"you dumbass!" his friend yelled at him, shoving him on the shoulder causing him to take a step back and stare at him.
"why didn't you get money from her?" he said, raising his voice once again
"maybe you should work on getting a job instead of mugging people for money" mingi said, scoffing. he heard one of his friends snicker and he smiled at them, high-fiving him as he took a seat again.
"listen... i don't appreciate the back chat" he said, walking up to him angrily, grabbing the collar of mingi's shirt.
"mhm" mingi hummed in response, staring at him emotionlessly.
"you don't have an answer?!" the guy said, punching mingi in eye, causing him to fall back onto the floor. he quickly got up, wiping the blood from his nose, whilst shaking his head at him
"i'm done here" mingi said, grabbing his bag and walking away, slowly disappearing from their vision.

y/n pov:

y/n looked at her phone, noticing that it was already 4:50. she knew she wouldn't be able to get home at her parents deadline, she sighed and began walking through the street, this time she decided to go the safe way. until once again, she bumped into someone.
"i'm sorr- again?!" y/n said in shock as she saw mingi looking down at her once again
"oh hey y/n! oh my taxi is here." he said, grabbing the door handle and pulling it open
"WAIT! give me a ride please" she said desperately, holding the door
"fine... get in" mingi said in defeat, he couldn't refuse his crush anyway.
"thanks! you're the best!" y/n said, placing her bag in the car and getting in next to him

after a few minutes mingi realised that he didn't ask for address to give to the driver,
"hey y/n what's your ad-" he was cut off by y/n moving around in her sleep, placing her hand on his chest and leaning on him. he started smiling and cursed himself for acting that way.
"you guys are dating?" the taxi driver said in shock, as mingi seemed to have not liked her a few minutes ago.
"mhm, dating" mingi said, smirking at y/n
"well, i believe this is your stop" the driver said, pulling over next to mingi's house
"thanks!" mingi said, sighing as he realised he had to somehow get y/n out of the car. waking her wouldn't work, she seemed to be a really heavy sleeper.
he quickly reached over to her bag, slinging it on his shoulder before lifting her out of the car. he closed the door and paid the driver, tipping him for the slight inconvenience. he got to his house and quickly opened the door, rushing over to the sofa where he placed y/n down. he smiled at her and placed her bag by the door.

y/n awoke to the smell of cooking somewhere, she was confused as her last memory was her getting into a taxi. as she suddenly came back to reality she saw someone cooking in the kitchen. 'mingi?' she thought to herself. she quickly sat up, rubbing her eyes and groaning as she was still tired.
"hey! how did you sleep?" mingi said, taking the frying pan off the oven and placing the food onto a plate.
"why am i here?" she said in a horse voice, as she had been sleeping. she coughed to clear her throat and stared at him in shock
"i mean.. you fell asleep without telling me your address?" he said, titling his head at her as he walked over to where she was sitting.
"what's the time?" she said, reaching over to her phone and turning it on to check the time.
"oh my- 9?! you should've woke me up!" she screamed, covering her face with her hands and falling back onto the sofa
"i tried to!" he said, motioning his hands at her in an angry way.
"oh my god, i'm so dead you don't even realise how bad this is for me" she whined, grabbing her phone as she started to look for her bag
"you're leaving?" mingi said, standing up suddenly
"yeah, i'm leaving" she said, rolling her eyes at him as she grabbed her bag
"why?" he said, looking at her in disappointment
"you- want me to stay?" she said, looking at him in shock, starting to smile a little
"what no.." he said hesitantly, he let out a long sigh before looking up to meet her eyes
"yeah.." he mumbled, shyly looking at the floor once again as he facepalmed
"i'll stay" y/n said cheerfully, placing her bag down as she walked over to him. she suddenly cupped mingis cheeks, leaving a kiss on his lips which left him stunned.
"i have a crush on you.. song.. mingi.." she said slowly, smiling at him as he blushed
"what are you doing?" he whispered, staring into her eyes
"i'm doing what a good girlfriend would do, right?" she said, smiling at him as he blushed immensely
"gir-girlfriend?" mingi said in shock at how fast everything was suddenly moving
"i will be your girlfriend if you promise me one thing" y/n said, pulling away and crossing her arms, mingi whined at her sudden action and grabbed her hands to cup his cheeks again. y/n laughed, quickly gathering herself before speaking again
"okay, you have to actually show up to school. study well, attend your lessons, hang out with me of course. does that sound like a plan?" y/n said, holding out her pinky finger, asking him to promise.
he quickly intertwined their fingers, whilst smiling at her.
"i promise"
"good boy!" she jokingly, patting his head. he smiled at her and grabbed her school tie, quickly connecting their lips so that they were kissing
"our first kiss as an official couple" mingi said, smiling at her

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