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stan pentagon.

—sans pov—

"you have to leave that girl, we have arranged a marriage for you and it would really help your father grow his business!" san's mother said, staring into san's sad eyes.
"i cant do that.." san mumbled under his breath, not willing to give up his 2 year long relationship for his fathers business.
"you break up with her or we will do it for you." she said, slowly growing more and more aggressive towards him.
"and how would you do that, mother?" he replied, slightly challenging her as he narrowed his eyes at her
"we would simply make everyone believe that you cheated on her with someone, someone she knows, then your relationship would collapse." his mother replied, smirking slightly at his now shocked expression
"good luck doing that." san said as he stormed out and shut the door, heading to his bedroom, certain that nothing would happen

—y/n pov—

i sat up in my bed, groaning at the noise of my alarm which rang out through the room constantly. as i shut it off i reached for my phone from next to me, only to see a lot of message notifications. i admit i was pretty excited because no one texted me much! i clicked a link which my friend had sent me, when i froze in both fear and shock. it was a picture of san, holding hands with another girl, and it looked recent. since his family was so popular the picture was EVERYWHERE. i threw my phone under my pillow, no longer wanting to go to school. i quickly closed my curtains and went back to sleep, shutting the world out.

—san pov—

i walked into school, looking for y/n at our usual spot. when she wasn't there i looked around in confusion, she was always at school before me, she had never been late in her life. if she's absent she always tells me. i sighed and took a seat, hoping that she would arrive quickly.

-5 mins later-

i got tired of waiting and decided to call her. i pulled out my phone and pressed her contact, i sighed before finally calling the number. i let it ring for a while before i heard a voice "the phone you are calling is currently switched off" an automated message said. i was about to call again when i heard the bell ring, maybe y/n is inside and she just forgot to come outside? although i admit that is highly unlikely.

i walked inside slowly, my head hanging low, when i was interrupted by someone pulling my shirt from behind.
"hey!! screw you san!!" y/n's friend screamed at me, pulling on my shirt repeatedly.
"what did i do now?" i said, laughing playfully as i assumed she was joking about something
"why would you laugh about that? you're so insensitive san. y/n is too good for you, you're going to hell for what you've done to her." she screamed at my face, finally letting my shirt go when she finished shouting. i looked around in confusion and then back at her and tilted my head at her.
"you cheated on her!! after 2 years!! how could you? she's probably beating herself up rn" as i heard those words i froze in place, my mother really did do it. i stared at her blankly, blocking out her words before sprinting out of the school gates, not bothered about what my mother would think if i skipped school.

i ran until i reached y/n's house, i then began banging on the door rapidly. i was greeted by a tired-looking y/n, her eyes puffy and red from what i assume was crying. she reached out to shut the door when i put my foot in the doorway, forcing myself inside.
"it's not true, it was my mother she was trying to arrange my marriage and she set this whole thing up i swear y/n!" san screamed, desperately trying to make his side of the story heard, although it was to no avail.
"i don't wanna speak to you right now... or even look at you, so get out." y/n said tiredly, hanging her head low, possibly to hide the tears forming in her eyes.

san stared hopelessly, not knowing how to approach her. when he suddenly walked up and hugged her, pulling her head into his chest to cry.
"you know i would never do that right?" san whispered into her ear softly, rubbing comforting circles on her back.
"but.. but it feels so real!" y/n yelled, her crying getting louder and worse as she dropped to the floor out of sans grasp. she pulled her knees up to her face and cried, not strong enough to hold herself up.
"believe me... i didn't go anywhere yesterday i stayed at home after school and studied with yunho! my mother did this!" san pleaded, pushing his hair back in frustration
"i'm tired..." y/n whined, wiping her eyes, smudging mascara down her face.
"you're tired?" san said with a slight smirk, she was cute when she did this.
"yes i'm going to bed you can leave now" his smile quickly turned into a frown at those words, it was only 10am and y/n was already planning to go to sleep.
"you wanna sleep right now?" san said, slightly puzzled by her actions
"yes i hardly slept last night, you can leave now" y/n whined, slowly getting more and more frustrated
"you know i didn't do anything right?" san insisted, leaning on the wall with one hand
"oh my god san please just let me go to sleep!" y/n said as she sobbed, slowly walking towards the stairs. san sighed and walked out of the door, after shouting i love you at y/n who merely responded with another sob.

san pushed his hair back and pulled his phone out of his back pocket, dialling yunhos number
"what do you want? i'm in school jackass!" yunho screamed into the phone, causing san to scoff at him.
"yunho i need a big favour right now" san said, looking around cautiously as he crossed the road, approaching the school
"did you cheat on y/n last night? i actually liked her man..." yunho said half confused, half disgusted
"no i didn't! that's the thing i need your help proving it to her." san screamed down the phone, causing people to stare at him as he entered the school gates
"where are you?" san said, hanging up without waiting for a reply when he spotted yunho with the others.

"yunho!" san said, gaining the others attention at once, he quickly jogged over and grabbed yunhos phone. conveniently it was already unlocked.
he quickly looked through his camera roll, looking for the picture he took with yunho yesterday whilst studying.
"san what are you doing...?" jongho said, tilting his head slightly in confusion
"shut up" yunho mumbled, his eyes fixed on the screen
"I FOUND IT!" san screeched, sending the picture to his phone quickly
"okay bye guys" san said, leaving quickly through the school gate once again
"what was that about?" seonghwa asked, staring at san as he left
"he said he needs proof that he didn't cheat on y/n and stole my phone." yunho said, looking down at his phone in front of him in confusion

once again, san arrived at y/n's house, repeatedly knocking on the door waiting for a reply. of course no one answered, i guess her parents and siblings aren't here.
"y/n i'm coming inside" san announced, walking into the house and taking his shoes off at the door. he quickly made his way upstairs into y/n's room, he smiled as he saw her sleeping, cuddled up to the hoodie san had been looking for for a couple of days.
"definitely still loves me" san said, rolling his eyes jokingly before approaching her. san stared at her for a second, thinking about how creepy it is to sneak into your girlfriends house while she is sleeping. he shook his head and gently nudged y/n to try and wake her
"y/n... y/n.." san said, causing y/n to groan, opening her eyes slightly to stare at him.
"san what do you want now?" y/n mumbled, sitting up quickly and wiping her eyes.
"i wanna show you something as proof i didn't cheat on you!" san said, placing the phone in front of her face to reveal a picture of san and yunho together in sans bedroom
"what is it?" y/n asked as she yawned, squinting her eyes to try and get a better look at the phone
"this was me and yunho last night, look at the date, that wasn't me in that other picture y/n!"
y/n stared for a little longer before grabbing sans hand, moving back a little as she pulled him down onto the bed. as she lifted the duvet over him she hugged him, smiling a little.
"this is better than the hoodie" she said through her smile, closing her eyes again, head resting on sans chest. san sighed in relief and placed an arm around her, relaxing into the pillow behind him.

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