Chapter 32

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Chapter 32


"Mon ange, I have to go back to the house, Vasily needs me." He said to her quietly once he had returned from the hallway.

"Oh," Tatiana murmured in surprise, concern evident in her voice. "Did something happen?" She asked. She tried to hide her disappointment at cutting their tour around the town short, but Zeke could tell. She began to stand from her chair but he shook his head, leading her to sit back down.

"No, nothing happened." He assured her even if he didn't know if something had happened himself. "You can stay here, mon ange, I know you wanted to keep exploring." Zeke said, rubbing her shoulder in a comforting manner.

"I'm sure Keith will be more than willing to accompany you." He prompted, raising an eyebrow at Keith. "It'll be an hour or two, I'll join you as soon as I can, I promise."

She bit her lip. "Are you sure?" She asked, looking worried.

"Yes, I'm sure." He landed a soft kiss on her forehead to reassure her. "Keith, can I talk to you outside?" He asked in a tone of voice that made sure Keith wouldn't question him.

"Of course." He replied genially. He led them both the way they had come in, Keith closing the door behind him.

"You brought her here so that you can leave us." Keith said to him accusingly.

"It was one of the reasons." Zeke relented. "They've been calling me the past few hours and still haven't let up. I can't avoid them any longer, it must be serious."

Keith smacked him on the head. "Ouch!" Zeke said, more in annoyance than actual pain. Keith was only a year older than he was, he technically can't do that to him when they're out in public where the Boucher men can see and think their future leader could be tossed around like that, so he took every chance he could.

"You're a damn leader, Zekeil." Keith berated him. "These people know to only call you if it's something so serious they need you. I remember when your uncle nearly killed a man for calling him about a damn tracking number when he was with a mistress."

"I know." He groaned. "I wanted to spend as much time as I could with her before all hell breaks loose."

"You have to tell me about what happened in New York soon, brother." Keith furrowed his brows in worry. "I heard a bit on the grapevine but your uncle is adamant I keep my nose out of mafia business."

A wise choice, Zeke thought. They didn't need to put Keith at unnecessary risk and although not everything Keith himself did was entirely legal, it was still a damn sight tamer than what he has seen between what his father and uncle do, a job he is to inherit in the coming years.

"I will." Zeke said, deciding to fill him in on a few details later. No matter how much he would love to keep Keith safe, knowledge is still power to hold and he'd be damned if Keith will be left powerless when chaos ensues.

"And you'll have to fill me in on what my uncle has been up to these past few years." He added. This is the first he was hearing about a mistress Vincent might have. His uncle wasn't big on romance. His uncle only ever told him about official business, never anything too personal.

Keith nodded, grinning wide. "Oh, I will. It's all quite scandalous if I'm being honest." He winked suggestively, making Zeke roll his eyes.

"Keep her safe." He gave Keith a firm look but he knew he could hear his barely concealed longing to stay with her.

"I will." Keith nodded solemnly. Zeke stared at the door as if he had x-ray vision and could practically see the faint silhouette of the woman who stole his heart through what separated them at that moment.

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