18: pick up lines and ice cream

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Vote you lovely people cause I updated early again for the 3728 time ❤😂️

.....and comment ☺️


My heart was pounding in anxiousness as Harry and I walked over to where hundreds of interviewers wait. Robbie met with us and kept a steady hand on my shoulder to make sure I didn't trip and fall.

How come no one told me how difficult it was to walk in this dress before I put it on?

"Jessica!" Several interviewers called out to me as I walked by. I spotted a familiar face of someone who has interviewed me before and was extremely nice.

"Hey, how are you?" The interviewer, whose name I believed was Patricia, said.

"I'm great, how about you?"

"Perfect! Now, I'm just going to start off with two questions on everyone's mind tonight. Who are you wearing?"

I glance down at my dress and touch the fabric. "Ellie Saab."

"You look absolutely flawless, like usual."

I grin and thank her. "As do you, Patricia."

I silently cross my fingers, hoping that was her name since I just let it slip.

"Oh! You remember me!"

One point for Jess.

"Okay, one more question because I'm sure you're in a hurry. You've brought Harry Styles with you tonight. Is there something between you two or are you still with Nick Jonas?"

Complicated question. Jane forgot to talk to me about how to answer this one. Oh, yeah. Probably because I told him to go to Texas, and she was pretty mad at me.

"Nope, Harry and I are just friends. Nick had a family emergency he had to attend to. Harry was kind enough to fill in."

Patricia smiled sweetly. "It was nice seeing you again, Jess."

Before I could say another word, Robbie whisked me off and the three of us continued through the interviewers. I think we stopped for another five before I hurried over to the masses of fans behind barricades.

I took tons of selfies and gave autographs to as many fans as I could. Robbie then tapped my shoulder and told me I had to change into my other outfit.

"Did you have fun?" I ask and nudge Harry with my arm.

"What? Taking pictures?"


He smirked. "I'm a natural, Jessy."

"Do naturals always freak out before going on the carpet?"

A frown replaced the smirk as he tried to defend himself. "I wasn't freaking out. I was trying to figure out what the hell I was supposed to do."

"I thought you were a quote, unquote natural?"

He playfully glared at me out of the corner of his eye.

"I'm sorry, nobody can be as perfect as you."

I scoff. "I'm anything but perfect and you know that."

I kept my eyes focused on the trailer we were approaching. I could feel Harry's steady gaze on me in my peripheral vision. Robbie walked up the steps and opened the door for Harry and I.

"Welcome back, Missy. Your outfit is in the back," Caroline motioned to the back room as she sipped on her drink.

I went in the room and saw ripped, capri boyfriend jeans, a white shirt sleeve with black writing on it that was slightly cropped, and black heels.

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