55: inevitable

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"I'd rather be sad with you, then anywhere away from you." -Bleachers


"No, not the stunt. They can't speed that up. They're going to speed up the process of Harry's termination."

Fucking hell.

I covered my face with my hands and curled my knees up to my chest. I felt like bursting into tears, but I couldn't.

I can't do anything right! Every time I've tried to fix something, I've made it worse! Why can't I just leave this management?! I'm not happy. I'm not happy. I'm not happy.

"Jane, I need to get out of this contract."

"You don't have enough money. Your career is still at its early stages. There are still heavy ties here with this company," she whispered softly, trying not to get me anymore worked up than I already was.

"I need to get out," I mutter again.


I woke up with a pounding headache and tired eyes.

I stayed up way too late last night stressing, crying, and reading some not so nice things on Twitter.

After the meeting, which consisted of me screaming me head off and giving them all a piece of my mind, Jane and I went back to the hotel. I didn't feel up to telling Harry all of what was happening, so Jane offered to.

To cure this headache of mine, I take a couple of the painkillers before hopping into a steaming hot shower. I still felt like I needed to cry, but no tears would come out.

After I got out, I took my hair out of a bun and brushed my teeth while laying in bed.

"You're only making it worse for yourself, Jessica."

"We're only trying to help you. All Harry Styles is doing is hurting your image. All this time, there have been cheating rumors, so we're trying to resolve that all."

"Dylan O'Brien is supposed to tie everything together. "

"Firing Harry will make the cheating rumors dissipate."

"You did this to yourself."

'@adore_lukeh: soooo wtf is going on with Jessica Steele?'


'@ENews: Jessica seen in tears entering her hotel late last night. Does this have anything to do with rumors of her and Harry Styles? enews.com/watch.jess.steele/.'

'@twforever: I feel so bad for Jessica Steele right now. Wtf is going on?'

'@JessFansLove: @JessicaSteele I hope ur okay. We love you.'

I get out of bed and rinse out my mouth, staring at my reflection for a moment.

"You're fine," I mouth to myself.

I go through my suitcase and find my Seattle Seahawks sweatshirt and a black, Victoria's Secret windbreaker. I slip both on along with leggings and boots. I leave my hair down and put on a beanie, grabbing my phone, sunglasses, and shoulder bag.

A walk to get some Starbucks sounds really good right now.

I leave my room and close the door behind me, walking to the elevators. I wait patiently until it opens, then I get in the empty, metal box.

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