3: go

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"Move. Move. Hey, buddy, get out of the way!" Robbie shouted into the crowd of paparazzi and fans.

I've never been mobbed before. I hate it.

Several men in suits were leading the way. I wanted to take pictures with these fans, but I wasn't sure they even classify as fans. They would continuously push and shove at me. It was like they cared for nothing more than a simple picture.

"Jessica! Jessica! Hey! Look over here!"

"Hey! Ladies, move."

"Miss Steele, look here!"

I keep my head down, as I was told by Jane. Harry was behind me somewhere. I had been holding his hand, but keeping contact in this mob was close to impossible.

"Jessica, can I get a quick picture?"

"Jess, please?"

An elbow flew into my gut and the wind was knocked out of me. I groaned and bent over.

"Jessica!" Harry shouted and wrapped his arms around me, continuing me forward.

A black SUV was waiting at the corner and I got into the car along with Harry and Robbie.

God, that was exhausting. My head slumped onto Harry's shoulder. My stomach hurt from whoever had accidentally hit me.

"Are you okay? What happened back there?" He asked.

"Nothing. Im fine. That was crazy."

"Get used to it, Jess. It only gets worse from here," Robbie said from the passenger seat.

I wasn't sure if I was ready for that aspect of being famous.

"Next stop, LAX. I bet it's going to be worse over there. We'll go through the back," the driver told us.

I had to be in the UK for some promo over there. My next single, Style, would be out in five days, and I had to be in London for it.

I was to perform on Good Morning Britain Tuesday morning. Which meant barely any sleep, including time change and rehearsals.

I must've dozed off because once I felt the car stop, my eyes opened.

"Oh, it's not that bad. At least there aren't any girls," Robbie informed, looking out the window. He opened the door for Harry and I.

I latched onto Harry's arm and we both keep our head down to save our eyes from the blinding lights.

We made it into the airport in one piece and got our boarding passes and went through security.

"Coffee?" Harry offered when we approached Pete's Coffee.

I shook my head. "No thanks. I'm planning on sleeping on this flight."

Robbie pushed us forward because there was a group of people staring a little too much. I didn't think it was that big of a deal. I'm just a normal human being trying to get to London.

We boarded early in first class, and I sat next to Harry while Meredith, her daughter, Jane and Robbie sat behind us.

I was glad I wore leggings and a sweater rather than some stuffy outfit for the next 13 hours or so.

"Are you excited to go home?" I happen to ask Harry as I'm dozing in and out of sleep.

"Very. You remember my sister, Gemma, right?"

Last tour, she would always come to some concerts and the three of us hung out quite often.

"Of course. I text her a lot."

Reckless || Harry Styles AUTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang