64: real

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*dies from this gif of H*

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// Remember that Nikki Hall was the patient Jess had visited at Children's Hospital a while back! Happy reading (: ⛄️

May 6th, 2015

Nikki Hall

"Have fun. Tell Jess I said hi!" Cam said from the other side of the phone. I missed him immensely already, and I'd only left home two days ago.

It was just eerie and discomforting being away from him. Especially since the both of us were so used to being glued to each other's sides.

"I will. I love you, Cam."

"I love you, too."

I smile and hang up, looking outside of the window. I was on my way to the location of a music video Jess was doing. A couple days ago, she called me, inviting me to come hang out with her and watch her shoot.

I'd spent five minutes trying to keep my cool, and after she'd hung up, I screamed my head off for another five minutes. My mom came in, thinking something was horribly wrong, but instead it was quite the opposite.

Did this mean I was becoming friends with Jessica Steele? I think so.

I looked out the window of the SUV I was picked up in. We were driving up a long, winding, dirt road that led up a tall hill, somewhere in the Los Angeles valleys.

I was shaking with the excitement of seeing Jessica again. She was the reason I wasn't in a hospital bed, sick to my stomach every waking moment. I was by myself. I didn't have anyone watching me like a hawk, making sure I didn't faint or throw up.

We finally make it to two huge gates that opened up to a shorter dirt road with an enormous driveway in front of an even more colossal single-story mansion.

There were at least a dozen cars parked in the driveway and off to the side, down the road. The driver parked the car behind one of them. I follow the man to the house. I could hear so much going on in the backyard. It was close to sunset, so I'm sure that's when the filming would begin.

A woman meets us at the front door. She wore dress pants and a nice, white blouse. I felt underdressed in my cardigan and shorts.

From where I walked up the stairs, leading to the front door, I saw lots of people inside the house. They were shuffling back and forth and there were so many wires on the ground; cameras were everywhere.

"Hello, I'm Orion. Are you Nikki Hall?" The woman at the door asks me.

"Um, yeah."

"Come with me."

My anxiety levels rose as I crossed the threshold of the enormous house and followed Orion.

I almost flipped my shit when I spotted Lorde several yards away from me - almost. I somehow contained myself and refrained from sprinting over to her and asking for a picture.

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