39: anatomies

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Late night rehearsals were not as fun as the ones you have when you are actually awake. Especially having them right after you've received bad news.

Jane tried to forbid me from going to the management about her being fired, but like hell I was going to listen. I had a say in who my manager was and Jane was one of the closest things I had to family.

The band, the dancers, and I all sat in a circle, eating some chocolate strawberries someone had brought. We were all hoping it wasn't something left from some other people days ago. They were too good to be old though.

"So, Lucas, you're saying you're a little bitch," I say smugly, crossing my arms across my chest and arching an eyebrow at him.

He scoffs and rolls his eyes. "Deciding to not kiss a girl does not make me a little bitch."

"You like her?"

He nods.

"She doesn't have a boyfriend?"

"No boyfriend," he agrees.

"And you didn't kiss her on New Years."

His frown deepens. "Nope."

"You're a little bitch," I confirm.

Everyone laughs and Devin and James pat him on the back, trying to comfort him. Their laughs and smiles don't really help and Lucas just pushes the guys off of him.

"I'm so freaking excited to tour again," Patrick exclaims, playing with the strings of his guitar.

I grin along with him and start collecting my hair into a ponytail. "Me too. We're playing four or five stadiums. That's crazy."

"For a second tour? That's insane!" James corrects.

"Hey, are we doing the song shuffles again?" Devin questions. "Because if we are, I need to start buying some songs on your phone."

I laugh and some of the new dancers looked confused, so I explained it to them.

"Last tour, we did this thing in the middle of the show, where we'd shuffle the playlist on my phone and we'd perform that song. It was really funny at times because it could've been some rap song or some lullaby that started playing. But Devin is just mad because he's rather hear some heavy metal song come through those speakers." I give him a pointed look and he chuckles.

"That sounds fun," Carissa comments.

"Oh, it is. This one time, Super Bass had come on and the entire crowd was screaming the lyrics. A fan had gotten a video of it and Nicki Minaj tweeted it. That was the fifth or sixth show and when I saw that she tweeted it, I think I fainted," I say.

"She fainted," James verified.

"Holy shit," Sophie burst, her eyes wide.

"Sorry, I'm late, guys. Can the dancers come over here? I'd like to discuss something," Harry calls out, walking into the room looking messily flawless in his beanie, gym shorts, and Green Bay sweatshirt.

I watch as Carissa, James, Carter, Sophie, Reddy, and Nate get up and walk over towards Harry. James tried to grab one of the strawberries but both Patrick and I snap our arms out to pull the box away from him.

James glared at us and shook his head in mock disgust.

"Shoo. These strawberries are for the magic makers," Patrick chimes.

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