27: stories of their lives

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#748 in fan fiction baby!! Long chapter :) vote & comment lots💗


"Get the fuck up!"

"Ten more minutes."

"Now. Get up!"

"I just want ten more bloody minutes."

"We're gonna be late. Those men Jane hired are right outside the door and you're not even up!"

Harry smirked despite his semi-sleeping state in the guest bed. Because he was lying on his stomach with his head turned, his face was squished making him look really funny.

"M'tired," he grumbled. I peeled away the covers, relieved to see that he was wearing boxers. He instantly shot out of bed and looked down at his lower regions before letting out a breath of relief.

"What?" I ask, confused as to why he suddenly realized he was getting up.

"Forgot I was wearing boxers for a second there. But I'm sure you wouldn't have minded either way," he said, sending me a wink afterwards.

I roll my eyes. "Just hurry up and get ready."

I walk back into the kitchen and to my coffee that still sat at the kitchen table. It was six in the morning, and we were on our way to Children's Hospital.

I had spent all last night contacting parents of some of the patients at the hospital, with the help of Jane, of course. She had still been very frustrated with me.

Harry walks into the living room a few minutes later, his hair in a bun and a big coat on. Underneath the coat was a red flannel.

"Where's my caffeine?" He asked, seeing the coffee in my hands. I grab the cup of tea that I had made for him and hand it over. He gives a satisfied smile and grabs a tea bag from beside the sink.

"Okay, let's go."

Because of the early hour, the downstairs lobby was empty as well as outside of the building. So far, so good for Harry and I's sneaking around.

The two men Jane had hired as temporary security weren't very talkative, so I relied on Twitter to keep me sane. But once I realized Harry had fallen asleep, I subconsciously started to watch him.

"Jessica, Mrs Collins wanted me to ask if you'd gotten the kids gifts," one of the men, Jason, asked.

"Yeah, I put them in the back," I respond. I was meeting five people today and their parents gave me a short rundown of what they like or what they wanted for Christmas.

Jason started speaking into one of his earpieces to someone who was waiting at the hospital for us. Jane had several precautions for this visit.

Jason said we had about a half an hour until we got there so I went back to Twitter.

There were tons of people talking about the incident yesterday, then others talking about the incident yesterday. Basically, everyone was talking about it.

'@bluejess: tbh harry and jess look a lot better together than jess and nick'

'@jessoutfits: you all are reading too into all of this. They're friends going out to get something to eat. It's obvious Nick and Jess care about each other.'

'@JessUpdts: Who Jess hangs out with is none of our business!! Stop making up stupid rumors!!'

'@JessicaSteele: Can't believe the tour starts in just over a month...Get them tickets! :)'

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