7: hurricane harry

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The warm water steamed up the hotel bathroom as I stepped into the shower. I just stood, letting the jets hit my back, almost lulling me to sleep. I was absolutely exhausted. I maybe slept a total of an hour and a half last night.

I gave up trying to sleep at about five in the morning, so now I stand in the shower, soaking my thoughts.

What thoughts you ask?

The six foot, long haired, green eyed guy whom I almost kissed just hours ago. I should have kissed, but he makes my head so fuzzy and I never know how to react and...

He seemed so angry at me, too. Or at himself. Who the hell knows?! Harry Styles is such a complicated person. He always has been since I first met him. You would think he's doing one thing, but turns around and does the opposite.

I felt like banging my head against the wall.

Around six, I put on a beanie and went downstairs for some coffee or a Red Bull or anything that would wake me up. The lobby was vacant, but I could hear some shuffling around in the breakfast area. I grabbed my coffee and took a seat on one of the couches. As I took sips, my eyes slowly began to flutter shut.


"Jessica? What the hell are you doing down here? You weren't in your room!" Jane's voice snapped me awake instantly. Her tone was full of concern and anger.

Where was I?

I swipe my gaze around the room. Oh, right, the lobby.

The sun has risen all the way and people were going in and out of the doors. A few snuck some glances at me and the thought hit me of how long I was asleep down here. How many pictures have been taken of me...

"What time is it?" I ask, my voice raspy from sleep.

"8:00. Harry knocked on your door this morning and you weren't there."

So why wasn't he the one waking me up? Oh, right, because he's an asshole.

"You haven't answered my question yet. Why were you down here sleeping?" Jane repeated.

"I didn't mean to. I came down for coffee around six. I didn't sleep well last night." I rub my eyes and stand up. Dizziness came over me, but Jane grabbed my shoulders to steady me.

"You and Harry both, I guess. He seemed under the weather, too." Jane gave me a skeptical look, and I think she expected some reasoning from me, but I had none. I was just really tired mentally and physically.

I shrug. "We're leaving at nine, right?"

She nods and kisses the side of my head. "Yes. You go get ready. I'll have Harry check up on you to make sure you haven't fallen asleep."

"No!" I outburst on accident. "I'll send you a text or something. I won't fall asleep, I promise."

The thought of seeing Harry right now sent chills through my body. I hadn't even thought about the fact that I'd have to see him at some point. But I couldn't face him right now. Not alone at least.

Jane's eyes narrowed in confusion. "Okay," she dragged out, then spun around and continued out the door.

I let out a breath and headed back to my room. Sleepiness was still upon me, but it was something I could handle. I got ready quickly, putting on long, nude, bohemian pants I was in love with and a white tank top. Today felt like a heel day, so I paired the casual outfit with my black pumps. I put on light makeup so that if there were any paps--which I'm sure there will be--they wouldn't criticize me on some god forbidden flaws.

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