21: it's not over yet

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The next few days felt like torture. Rehearsals were somewhat dull and uneventful. Harry and I seem to have taken the ignoring route to cover up a few nights ago.

Nick and I had also gone out everyday since then. Things were patched up between he and his girlfriend. And because of his absence at the fashion show, publicity has gone crazy with making sure we were always seen together.

"So, Christmas. Any plans?" Nick asked as we sat inside some sandwich place. We had originally sat outside. Why we had was behind me. It was cold as hell. So, now we were inside, fightng the constant stares of customers.

"That seems to be the question," I joke lightly. My aunt has called five times in the span of two days and I have yet to call her back.

"Why? You don't celebrate?" He looked confused as he took a sip of his soda.

"No, I do. I just...after my parents...I just don't have the urge to do anything, I guess."

I was relieved when I didn't see any sympathy on his face, just understanding.

"I get it."

"My aunt's been calling like crazy. She wants me to go over to her place for the holidays, but it just doesn't make sense to me. My parents and I had never spoken to her side of the family. I've maybe seen them a total of five times in my life. It doesn't seem reasonable to spend Christmas with people you aren't comfortable with."

I craned my neck out the window to the street that was scattered with paparazzi in vans. Having them there felt as if someone was breathing on my neck.

"Have you told your aunt yet?"

I shake my head. "I don't know how to tell her. But Christmas is in five days, so I need to say something soon."

"Where are you going to go?"

"Probably back to Seattle. Maybe hang out with some old friends."

Nick nodded and finished his sandwich. He crumbled up the paper and gracefully tossed it into the garbage bin a few feet away, kicking his leg up in the process. The both of us "ooh"ed and laughed when he made it.

We got even more stares after we made all that noise. Robbie sent us a warning glare from the table over to keep it down.

I tried to contain my laughter and took a sip of my soda. Nick then took my wrapper and tried to make it a second time, but failed, almost falling out of his chair in the process.

I nearly spit out my drink, trying to hold in my laughter.

"Okay, you two. I think it's time for us to go," Robbie warned and got up from his seat, standing at our table.

"Aw, Robster--" I grinned.

"Jess. Let's go."

I sighed and got up along with Nick, slipping on my coat. We walked out together, being so graciously greeted by paps, now outside of their vans. I spotted some fans coming towards us. They weren't really wearing appropriate clothing for the cold, which got me a tad bit worried. People shouldn't be standing out here for so long wearing just a sweater and jeans.

I made sure to quickly take pictures with all of them. "Please find somewhere warm. It's freezing outside, you'll get sick!" I told them all.

One girl was shivering, her ears and nose bright red. Immediately, I slipped off my black beanie and gave it to her. She just about fainted and kept thanking me.

Reckless || Harry Styles AUWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt