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While still laughing, Harry stepped towards the front of the fireplace where Ron and Jaiden were sitting. Harry had to take a deep breath to calm himself and he exhaled slowly. He sat down next to Ron with Jaiden on Ron's left on the floor, crossed legs.

The boy looked over at his friends' faces, ready to tell them what he'd just witnessed. But when the image came to mind, he started chuckling uncontrollably again. Ron and Jaiden looked at each other. Ron was getting impatient meanwhile Jaiden only shrugged and looked at Harry again in amusement.

"Oh, stop it, Harry." Ron said in annoyance. "What is it? We want to know, too." He slapped Harry on his upper arm to get him to stop. Finally, Harry stopped laughing but there was still a huge smile present on his face.

"I was on my way here when Fred and George approaching me. Then they said they had set up a prank for Snape. Then they said again that they want me to follow them. At first I refuse cause I'm not in a mood but they don't listen so I've been dragged to the dungeon. When we came to the front door of Potions classroom, we saw Snape sitting on his desk grading papers. Then George pulled out this kind of crystal ball that had pink smoke in it. Then he threw it in Potions classroom. The next thing I saw was Snape's robe had changed to pink and he had this bunny's ear on his head."

After Harry said all of that the three of them burst out laughing so hard. Jaiden clutched her side cause it started to get hurt.

"After we ran back up here, Fred and George told me that, that thing will last  for 24 hours!" And they burst into another laughed.

"I want to see it so badly." Ron said after catching his breath.

"Me too. But I don't think we can hold our laugh in front of him. It's just will make us lost our house point and probably detention." Said Jaiden.

"Yeah you right." Said Ron slightly disappointed.

"But..," Jaiden continued with a mischievous smirked. The two boys immediately smile at this. "We can wander around the castle and if we are lucky, we maybe will come across with him." Jaiden smirked grew bigger so with the boys smile.

"That's bloody brilliant, Jaiden. What are we waiting for, come on!" Ron said and they ran out of the common room.

After a few good minutes of wandering around the castle, Jaiden poked her head out to see between the corridor and surprisingly she saw Snape and Lupin chatting among them. She need to cover her mouth with her hand to hold her laugh. She turned back to the boys.

"Guys, Snape is there with Professor Lupin. I think he changed his robe but the bunny ears is still on his head. We want to be careful. Put the most innocent faces that you can do and just walk past them, okay?" The two boys nodded and they started to walk out from their hiding place.

When they walked out they chatting like normal but then their eyes widened on Snape. The two men already looked at the three. Lupin seems like to hold his laugh and Snape was glared at them.

The three of them tried to fight their laughter but it's just so funny and they can't control it, it just came out. They laughing so hard and Snape keep glared at them. Lupin chuckled a bit.

"All three of you better stop laughing before I take fifty points from each of you." Snape warned them.

Jaiden already composed herself but not Harry and Ron. Snape opened his mouth to speak but Harry and Ron already ran.

"Guys!" Jaiden yelled.

"I'm sorry Jaiden we can't help it!" Ron yelled while still running and laughing with Harry.

"We meet you back at common room!" Harry yelled between his laugh and they disappeared.

Jaiden turned back to the older and laughing a bit. She can't denied it. It's really funny. Lupin smile at her but Snape had this bored face. Without Snape knowing he had this soft spot for Jaiden when he realized that she wasn't a dunderhead.

"Do you think it's funny, huh?" Snape asked her with bored tone.

"A little." Jaiden replied.

"As for me, I think it's funny." Lupin said and chuckled.

"Shut up, Remus." Snape said.

"I'm sorry for Harry and Ron, Professor."

"Make sure to keep them away from me."

"Will do, Professor. And don't worry too much about that. It's just last for 24 hours." Jaiden said without realizing what she had said.

"Oh yeah," he smirked "And how you know that?" Jaiden's eyes widened.

"I-i..err urmm.." she stuttered. Snape raised his eyebrows at her while still smirking. Remus just chuckled at the two.

At that moment came a voice behind Remus and Snape, "Remus, Miss Rookwood..Severus?" The three of them turned to that voice and were met by none other Albus Dumbledore.

"Severus," he chuckled "What happened to you?" While eyeing the ears Snape had on his head.

"Save that question for this girl." Snape nodded to Jaiden direction. The three of them looked at Jaiden. Dumbledore and Remus hold back their laugh and Snape smirked.

"Care to explain?" Snape asked.

"Just so you know, Professor Snape. It's not me." She said and gave him the most innocent face.

"Really? Then why are you stuttering early?"

'oh, shit' she thought. She can't exposed her friends.

"I know Legillemency, Miss Rookwood. You know what that is?" She nodded. "I just heard you cursing inside your mind." He said and smirked again.

She sighed in defeated. Dumbledore and Remus laughed at her. There's no way for Jaiden to get out of there without exposing her friends.

"Fine, but please, Professor, don't go to them after I'm telling you this."

"Do you think I will face a students with this thing on me?" At this point Remus burst out laughing and Dumbledore chuckled. This made Snape glared at Remus.

"It's Fred and George. Harry seems down today so me and Ron asked the twins to cheer him up. Then Harry told us that Fred and George brought him to the dungeon and threw a crystal ball in the classroom where Professor Snape sat and grading papers. Then after they running back from the dungeon, they said it only last for 24 hours."

"And I think you come here purposely. Am I right?" Dumbledore asked. Jaiden laughed slightly and nodded.

"Harry seems happy after that. Ron said he wanted to see Professor Snape in that appearance. But I said that that's not a good idea and.."

"Go on." Snape said smirking cause he  already planned something.

"I told him that if we wander around the castle and we're lucky, we maybe come across with you. And turns out it is. We're lucky. We saw you." She smiled innocently. This made Remus and Dumbledore laughed.

"I told them to not burst out laughing in front of you, but, well we failed that part."

"So, it is you from the start. How about one week detention sounds?" Snape asked and the other two professors laughed.

"It's not me, Professor. I'm just telling them to make Harry happy again, not pulling a prank on you. Oh, and please don't get angry at them. Pleeasee..." She begged.

He sighed,"Fine, but just this one time."

"Yes! Thank you, Professor!"

"Lucky for you cause you're my favorite student." Snape said. That's made the three of them stared at Snape.

"I'm your favorite student? Really?" Jaiden asked still shocked.

He shrugged, "Well, considered that you're not a dunderhead. Besides, honestly, when you first stepped in my classroom and brew that potion without the instructions, it's impressed me. When you don't following the instructions on the book, it will be different yet the most right one."

The next thing that happened shocking all the three Professors. Jaiden hugged all of them one by one and said,

"Thank you. I'll see you guys around! Goodbye my favourite, Professors! You three are the best!!" She yelled while running back to the common room.

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