Part 52

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The scan is nice.

She doesn't feel any crazy adoration for the tiny thing on the screen; she can't even really make out which part of the body is which.

Sabrina is ecstatic, hopping around the room in delight, her dark hair swinging behind her and almost knocking plastic cups and paper plates off one of the shelves. Her happiness is filling the room, as well as her chatter about what she'll do with her little brother; she had decided it was a boy, and she wasn't listening to anyone telling her otherwise.

"Will we get your family from the waiting room? They might like to see this," The nurse suggests, a smile on her lips as she looks around at the three of them.

Carlos is propped up on pillows, fiercely blinking his tears away as he stares at the screen in awe.

Conrad looks a bit blank, but she's watching the screen with equal concentration.

"Yeah, get them, please," Carlos nods, looking away from the ultrasound quickly.

He rests a hand on Conrad's shoulder, and she takes it, squeezing his fingers gently.

"I'll get them," Sabrina exclaims, immediately sprinting out of the room.

"Would you like a moment alone?" The nurse asks, and Conrad nods silently.

The nurse leaves after making sure she has a hold on the scanner for her stomach.

"Our baby," Carlos whispers, grinning at her.

She looks back at him, gnawing on her lip.

His beaming smile falls slightly as he notices the look on her face, and he tries to scoot over in the bed to make room for her.

The slightest amount of movement makes him gasp and wince, and Conrad shakes her head.

"Don't you dare move. You need to heal, and we don't need you to end up with any complications," she scolds.

His wolf is purring at the care she's showing him as she fluffs his pillows and fixes his blankets.

Conrad can't stay still. She feels chock full of nervous energy, and she feels that if she stops moving, she might crumble.

She can't relax, even looking at her unborn child, which annoys her quite a lot. It's supposed to be a happy moment, and one that people look back on fondly forever. She can't even sit still to look at her child because she's worried something is going to happen.

"I wonder if it's a boy or a girl," Carlos muses, watching her scuttle around the room.

She's straightening everything, even the whiteboard on the wall with his vitals on it.

"Sabrina has decided it's a boy, so it'll probably be a boy. She's always right when she has to guess," Conrad shrugs, chewing on the inside of her cheek while she aligns the pens and pad of paper on the desk in the corner of the room.

"Imagine. We could have a little boy in a few months. I wouldn't mind if it were a girl; I love being a girl dad. I have no shame about walking around with painted nails," he snorts. He jolts as he does and sits up slowly, clutching his chest with a grimace on his face.

Conrad glances over her shoulder when she hears the bed squeak, but he looks okay, so she continues organising.

The door flies open, and Sabrina runs in, hugging Conrad tightly.

The hug surprises her, and she awkwardly pats Sabrina's shoulder with a slight smile on her face.

"Carlos, it's lovely to see you again," Barbara smiles, gently patting his shoulder.

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