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P.O.V. Niall (Two Weeks Later)

I'm officially eight months along now and the nursery is finally finished. We are as prepared as possible for the girls. At least we think we are. Overall we have the nursery ready, we have two diaper bags ready (I don't know why we have two but Liam is adamant that we need to be prepared for anything), we have car seat's ready, plenty of clothes, and so much more. We even got a minivan so we can all fit comfortably in the car. 

Hopefully we are prepared but you never know what's happening. We have loads of diapers and bottles, anything you can think of we have. The boy's are getting more and more excited as we get closer to the babies due date! I'm so excited for our baby girls to be here already! This pregnancy has been extremely long and tiring. 

As of lately fans have been questioning why I haven't been in the public eye. Of course we just say that I'm working on stuff at home, taking care of family, or just taking a break from the public. So far it seems to be keeping them at bay and we hope it'll last until our babies are born. We decided that we would tell the fans that Liam and I decided to adopt the twins.

It's not exactly what we would like to say but it's the best solution without straight out saying I've been carrying our babies. The other boys have been struggling to accept that this is what will be released mainly because we don't know who is the biological father to the babies. Seeing as they are fraternal they could have different biological fathers. Which is fine considering we are all together and all of us want these babies no matter who there parent's are.

However, I do understand their frustration. I'm frustrated that we can't just come out and say we are all in a relationship and having these babies together. Although I'm confident in our fans support I know other's would be downright disrespectful about our relationship. They would also judge me and probably consider me weird just because I'm capable of carrying a baby. 

If only people would just allow others to love who they want or as many people as they want. If only people would stop focusing on what is considered the "norm" and just let people live.

Anyway enough of my rant, I'm up ready for the day seeing as we are going to one of our last doctors appointments until the babies are born. This is the only time I'm allowed out of bed as I'm still under bedrest. You'd think I'd be able to do more but the boy's have taken bedrest the most serious. They don't want me to get out of bed even to shower but I definitely do. 

It warms my heart that they care so much about the babies and I. Today we are going to find out the most important news we possibly could. For the last month we have had doctor's appointment's every week. The babies appear to be a little underweight according to Dr. Rose but she didn't seem too worried.

The boy's have been anxious about the babies and have struggled to sleep for the most part. Anxiety about being new father I guess but Harry and Liam stay up watching me so that if anything happens we can go straight to the hospital.

It's very sweet of them but they have been exhausted since. The other boy's are take over watching me during the day so the other two can sleep. Thankfully last night I was able to convince Harry and Liam to go to sleep with us so we can all go to the doctors today. It's currently five in the morning and we have to leave already so we can be out of the doctor's office before fan's find out we are out.

Harry and Zayn surprisingly are ready to go while we wait for Louis and Liam to come downstairs. We have the car packed with the diaper bags and car seats incase we need them so once we are in the car we take our respective seats. The car has three rows of seats. The first being the drivers seat and a passenger. The second row just has two seats to make it easy to get the babies in and out of the third row which has three seats. 

Liam settled into the driver's seat as Zayn and Louis settle into the middle seats and Harry in the back. Then we settle into our seats and start for the drive towards Dr. Rose's office. It was then that everything went downhill. 

We were driving around a corner when we were struck head on by a semitruck. I hear the window shield shatter and then everything went black.


It must've been minutes later when I felt someone shaking me, it was Harry. He was saying something to me but I couldn't hear anything over the ringing in my ears. Louis is next to him on the phone his head bleeding. I couldn't move to check on Liam and Zayn but Harry keeps me focused on him. His hands have a little blood on them and he is visibly shaking.

He stands next to me at the passenger door. Liam was driving, is Liam ok? So many thoughts are rushing through my head as Harry stands in front of me. He holds my head steady and I can see fear in his eyes.

Soon lights appear in front of us. An ambulance? Yes it was an ambulance. The paramedics and police come together and everything appears in slow motion. I see them bring out a stretcher, its heading towards me. The paramedic puts a neck brace on and uses a backboard to get me out of my seat. As he does this Harry doesn't let go of my hand.

My hearing fades in and out as I hear Harry tell them I'm pregnant and tells them that he want's Dr. Rose to take care of us. While they rush me inside the ambulance I see them pull out another stretcher. Harry jumps into the ambulance his hands wrapped in gauze. The doors close to the ambulance and that's the last thing I see as we speed off.

Here I am laying on a stretcher with an oxygen mask over my mouth and nose, my neck in a brace, I can see an IV in my arm but I can't feel anything. Am I paralyzed? I can barely breath, I hear the monitor next to me sending off alarms.

I see Harry freaking out next to me as the paramedic puts something in my IV and next thing I know everything is black. 

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