Tiny Problem

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Niall P.O.V. 

We just left the doctors beaming until we noticed loads of our  fans outside. Getting out of here is going to be more difficult then we expected. There are about fifty to sixty fans here already but thankfully because this doctor's office deals with celebrities a lot they have a great security team! Even with the help of security it takes us about ten minutes to make it to our car safely. Our fan's were shouting as we passed them trying to get autographs, pictures, you name it. The boy's surrounded me to avoid the possibility of a fan seeing my stomach therefore protecting our little peanuts. They also did this to keep fans from getting to close to me because of my claustrophobia.

We make it to the parking garage and after further discussion decide against driving our car back home as fans are probably waiting to follow us home. We decide to call Ralph one of our managers and ask him to send a car for us and have someone else take our car home. Thankfully he doesn't seem frustrated with us (seeing as he wanted us to do this in the first place...but we didn't listen). It wasn't too long till we got into another car handing out keys off to Ralph. He leaves first in our car and after seeing the crowd of fans leave we finally leave as well. 


The next day Ralph comes over to our house looking stressed. He sets a magazine on the living room table. I don't move an inch as Zayn goes to pick up the magazine. Splashed on the cover you can see an image of all five of us outside of the doctors office. The headline reads "1D Boys Leave Doctor's Office Could One Of Them Be Sick?"

Ralph sighs as we all read the headline. "So as you can all see we need to figure out how to approach the public about this. We need all of you to attend a interview to get this off of tabloids." We all look towards each other and I have a sinking feeling in my stomach at this. Why can't people just let us be? I'm chewing on my lip as the boys talk to Ralph. I'm terrified.

What if people find out that I'm pregnant? What if something goes wrong at the interview? How are we supposed to hide from the public now without the public freaking out? I wish we could just come out and say what's going on but I can't even begin to imagine the problems it would cause. 

"Why do we have to do an interview? Can't we just let this all blow over? It won't matter after a few days..." Liam says unconvincingly to all of us. Knowing our fans they won't let this just blow over, they will start spamming us asking for answers. Even if we had gone to the doctors just for a check up they still would continue to freak out till we told them something.

After talking for awhile we decided to against going on an interview. We decided to just make a simple post and let fans know that we were in fact ok and that we just went to the doctors for check ups. It was a pretty lame excuse but it was enough to get the heat off of us. For the next week we had to do our best to stay out of the spotlight but otherwise I things were relatively ok.

Then again Harry, Louis, and Zayn had to do the chores for the next month so I would say things were actually pretty great!

***Two Months Later***

Here we are two months since the whole tabloid incident but we have been able to get over that part. I'm five months along now and I can officially say that my stomach is screaming pregnancy belly. I can't see my toes anymore and I've become emotional...or as the boys would call it overly emotional. 

Here I am sitting on the couch eating a tub of ice cream crying. Why am I crying you may ask? Well because I just dropped my spoon. Harry wraps his arms around me as Louis runs to get me a new spoon. My face tear streaked, my nose stuffy, and my hands trembling. I'm the epidemy of over emotional. Louis comes back quickly with a new spoon and a paper towel. He wipes away my tears and allows me to blow my noise. 

A couple minutes later I'm back to enjoying my ice cream as Harry runs his hand up and down my back. The ice cream tub balancing on my belly. We are watching the show Friends again... I can never get over this show. I'm enjoying my show when Liam and Zayn walk in. They were taking a nap together upstairs...or at least that was what they were supposed to be doing. From the looks of their swollen lips and smiles across their faces I'm sure they did more then just sleeping.

Liam kisses me and takes my ice cream to put it back before he comes back to sit next to me. I feel like we have had a lot of lazy day's lately but the reality is I'm the only one who's really had a lazy day. The boys have been going to the studio and finishing up recordings and have started to write more songs while they give me time to relax. We already released the Midnight Memories album and have started the next. We haven't spent too much time on it as this is vacation but sometimes the boys spend days just working on new pieces.

One of the songs on the Midnight Memories album is actually named after one of our little girls, but the fans don't know it yet. The current songs they have been working on has our second little girls name. We plan to drop this next album just after the babies are born! Try to guess there names. I'm so excited for fans to see the songs we made for our girls....even though they don't know we have our girls yet.

It gets dark a lot earlier now as we are in the winter season and the babies are due in four months so we are so excited for the new year to come. December just started but the babies aren't  due till March so I guess we will have to wait a few more months.

Thankfully pregnancy hasn't been to bad for me. I've been able to keep pretty active but this past week I've become exhausted. Other then being emotional and exhausted my pregnancy has been great! 

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