Epilogue P.2

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P.O.V. Niall (four months later)

Here I am going through the absolute worst pain I've ever experienced in my life. Well other then when I gave birth to Theo. I was sitting on the couch when I felt a sharp pain in my stomach. The beginning of contractions.

I was alone in the living room when they started but now we are headed to the hospital in an ambulance. Harry is by my side as the boys wait for Louis mom to take over watching the kids so they can meet us at the hospital. We decided the ambulance was the best way to travel seeing as my contractions are about three minutes apart.

"I can't do this Harry! It hurts!" I scream as yet another contraction hits me and I squeeze the life out of his hand.

"It's ok baby! You got this! We just need to get to the hospital and they will get you in for a C-section! Everything will be ok baby! We are almost their!" Harry says his face scrunching up in pain as I squeeze his hand.

You think just because I can get pregnant I'm pushing out a baby? Well you are wrong. Unfortunately I have to have a C-section after each baby but this'll be the last. "Harry I can't do it. It hurts too much!" My voice cracks.

One of the paramedics yells out that we are two minutes away and that they are immediately bringing us to the operating room. Harry is the only one allowed in the room with me but the other boys will wait for us in the waiting room.

We arrive soon, definitely not soon enough and I'm immediately rushed to the OR the doctors numb me from the waist down and its smooth sailing from there. Harry stays by my head stroking my hair.

"She's almost here Niall! You did amazing baby!" Harry says kissing my forehead as the doctors finally announce that she's been delivered.

"Here she is! Your baby girl! Does the dad want to see her?" Dr. Rose says, yes Dr. Rose is still our doctor she's amazing and the only person I trust with our kids.

"Yes please!" Harry says and immediately a nurse brings over our baby girl as Dr. Rose puts me back together.

I see a mop of dark brown curls on her head. Definitely Harry's baby. "She's so beautiful!" I say tears gathering in my eyes.

"She is beautiful just as beautiful as her mama!" Harry says kissing her little head before they take her back to weigh her and do basic testing.

"Go follow her out Harry. I'll be fine." I say and after looking at me for confirmation he kisses me quickly and follows the nurse out.

"We are going to sedate you for the rest of the procedure just to make it quicker. So don't be worried if you start to feel a little sleepy." Dr. Rose says and that's the last thing I hear before I'm out like a light.


P.O.V. Harry

I followed the nurse out to the room filled with all the babies. Our baby girl joining them when I receive a call from Louis. "Harry baby, is she here yet? Is Niall out of surgery yet? Where are you?" He says rattling questions off left and right.

"Slow down baby! Yes she is here, no Niall isn't out of surgery yet, and I'm currently with our baby girl in the nursery." I say, "I'll come out and get you guys right now!" I head out of the room as the nurse starts doing some tests on my princess and find the boys immediately when I enter the waiting room.

"Hi loves!" I say and kiss all of them on the lips quickly. "Baby girl is perfect! Ten toes and fingers! Healthy weight and she's so tiny! Right now they are doing some other tests on her right now but we can go back there!" I start leading them to the nursery oh so excited for them to meet our daughter.

I find her immediately the nurses having finished all their tests. "How did the girls handle you guys leaving?" I ask them. The girls recently have anxiety whenever they don't see one of their parents so it's been harder for us to leave them with anyone.

"They didn't do too bad. I put them down for a nap while Zayn went and put Theo to bed." Liam says. "She's beautiful love!" He continues after looking at our princess.

"I know! She fits her name well right? Angel a perfect name for a perfect girl. Then again all of our kids are perfect." I say and Louis wraps his arms around me.

"She looks just like you love!" Zayn says kissing her forehead as she starts moving around in her crib.

"She does! How long until Niall is out of surgery?" Louis asks his face up against my chest.

"I'm not sure lets go find out and let Angel sleep." I say and kiss his head. Grabbing his hand as Liam and Zayn follow us out.


Niall gets out of surgery about an hour later and is in recovery. The surgery went well and he just needs to stay overnight for observation. Angel was moved to Niall's room and we are now all waiting for Niall to wake up.


P.O.V. Niall

I wake up to all my babies surrounding me. My life is officially complete all because we decided to love who we wanted.

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