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P.O.V. Niall (Six months later)

The last six months have probably been the most eventful in our lives. The girls are nearly seven months old, Liam is finally out of the hospital, and we are finally able to say the five of us are together. 

Liam got out of the hospital two weeks after our announcement and it was the best thing to happen! He still had a cast on his leg but now he is healed! I'm just happy that he can walk on his own now and all of us are officially healed from all our injuries. 

Ever since we left the hospital we have been staying home. After everything that happened we decided the best thing for us was to take a step away from the spotlight and focus on the girls. And so much has happened since then!

The first couple weeks after the announcement the press was constantly asking for exclusives. After the announcement all the fear of losing our fans basically went down the drain. Sure some fans were upset to find out that none of us were on the market but, they were all hoping we were dating anyways.

It took awhile for the press to leave us alone and we had to get extra security to do anything now but at least for the most part everything is back to normal. When the twins hit six months both girls were able to sit up on there own and now Diana can crawl! Olivia scoots on her but, she hasn't quite grasped the crawling concept.

To say we were happy with this new skill was an understatement. Louis was actually the one who saw Diana crawl for the first time. And to be frank Louis was not the calmest when seeing this.

He screamed and all I can say is Harry and Liam were upstairs and they came running down while Zayn and I came in from the backyard. We thought something terrible happened and we run in to see Louis screaming while frantically trying to grab his phone and take a video. 

When we saw Diana crying we couldn't help but be happy as well! Olivia looked at her parents like they were aliens because of their reaction to this. Which was probably the most entertaining thing to come out of this!

Then we realized that we need to baby proof the entire house now. After several failed attempts we had to hire a professional to install everything. Harry and Louis were a tad hurt that they couldn't figure it out and then they were both frustrated when they couldn't open even the toilet seat without help from any of us.

Thankfully they both know how to open everything now as its been nearly a month but it was prime entertainment for awhile. And now here we are the girls a week away from being seven months old and I'm sitting on the floor folding laundry with Olivia chewing at her toys.

 My poor baby has been teething and she's been very cranky because of it. She has one tooth breaking through the front and I can't help but feel for her. Diana is currently taking a nap Olivia was supposed to go sleep with her but she didn't want to leave my side.

I'm folding Zayn's shirt when I look up to see Olivia gone from her spot. I get up feeling a bit frantic and find her now behind the couch. She just crawled for the first time!

"ZAYN, HARRY. LIAM, LOUIS! Get down here!" I yell up to them. The four of them around the house working on different chores. I take out my phone and start filming her, "Come on baby girl crawl towards mama!"

The boys come running in from other rooms and start calling her towards them. "Hi Liv-Liv! Come to dada!" Liam chants to her. Still holding the phone I put my hand on his mouth.

"Ignore him Olivia! Come to Mama!" I say trying to shush the boys. Liam moves my hand from his mouth quite easily and scoops up Olivia tickling her. I stop the recording smiling at Olivia. Zayn comes up behind me and kisses my head I could feel his smile against my head. Louis and Harry are trying to convince Liam to hand one of them Olivia to cuddle her.

"Look at us. We are a family. Two beautiful baby girls and all the love in the world." Zayn whispers into my ear. I can't help but agree with him. He kisses me again and then we hear Diana on the monitor, "Baba, baba, baba!" 

I chuckle at her calling for Zayn. So far the only word she has learned is Baba and Olivia's is Mama. At least I won one of them!  Zayn lets me go squeezing my waist then goes to Diana. He returns a moment later with Diana rubbing at her eyes.

"Hi baby girl! How was your nap?" I say to her in my baby voice. Liam finally handed Olivia to Louis and walked over to us.

"You sure look like you had a good nap!" Liam says and pokes her cheek. She smiles at him swatting his hand away from her. I leave them and get my phone out again.

"Guy's get together, I want a picture!" I say opening up the camera app. The boys are probably tired of all the pictures I take now but these are memories I want to keep forever. The boys groan jokingly but get in the photo.

Zayn and Liam hold Diana between them both of them kissing her cheeks and Harry and Louis mirror them with Olivia. I take the picture and send it to the other boys. The picture is absolutely perfect along with all the people in it!

Louis walks up to me and kisses me having handed off Olivia to Harry. "Are you feeling better yet love?" Oh yeah that the other thing. The boys are in for a surprise later tonight and they don't know it yet.

I'm pregnant...again.

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