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P.O.V. Niall (a few days later)

Today is a day of good news! The babies passed the car seat test! Which means they get to come home today! Although right now home is a hotel room. We still don't want to go back to our house until Liam is out of the doctors. 

It's been hard seeing him struggle to move and such but the doctors say he's doing well! The babies are officially three weeks old today and I can't help but be proud of all they have accomplished in the last three weeks.

First of all surviving a car accident, being underweight, and having breathing problems. To now only needing a feeding tube until they build enough strength to suck on a bottle. I'm so proud of them and I'm insanely happy with their process. Especially if it means they get to come home today. 

Diana is opening and closing her mouth as she looks around the room. While Olivia is sleeping next to her. Both girls are strapped into their car seats as Harry and I get ready to leave the hospital. 

Which is the only downer of the day. Dealing with paparazzi. We haven't come out and addressed anything regarding the accident or our conditions. Let alone the babies! I guess today is the day to address everything. 

Harry and I decided to go outside without the babies first and address the accident first and update them on conditions. Before we let them know that "Liam and I" adopted babies and that we were on the way to the hospital to witness the birth of the babies. 

When we walk out we are immediately surrounded. Even with the extra security we are still having a hard time walking to the front of the building. Our security team tells everyone to back up and surrounds us as we stand in the front.

"Hello everyone, I'm guessing its time for some explanations." Harry starts as the paparazzi takes photos. "As many of you know three weeks ago we were in an accident with a semi truck. This unfortunately has caused a lot of injuries and has forced us to stay confined in a hospital bed, instead of addressing your questions." He stops talking looking at me to start.

"The accident caused three of us to stay in hospital beds for weeks. I myself just was released a couple days ago and Zayn a week ago. Unfortunately for Liam he is still confined to a bed and cannot move." I swallow down my emotions and continue, "All of us are doing a lot better now but will ask you all to please give us time to recover and heal." 

"If you have any questions we are willing to answer them, if we feel its to personal we won't answer." Harry says. We wait and see several hands raise. I point to one of them.

"Who was at fault for the accident?" They asked.

"The semi truck was at fault for the accident but I don't think that plays extreme importance right now." Harry says in a snippy voice he then points to another.

"Is there any update when Liam will be able to leave the hospital?"

"There isn't a date we expect him to leave the hospital. However the doctor believe he is doing extremely well." I say then decide I don't really feel like answering any other questions. "We also have some news..." 

"The reason all of this happened is because Liam and I decided to adopt a baby. Or I guess in our case babies." I say before going on, "When we were on the road that day we were on the way to watch the birth of our babies." I then wave to Liam's mom who has both the car seats in her arms.

I smile at the babies and see Harry smiling too before we turn back to the paparazzi. "These are our babies Diana and Olivia. We didn't intend to announce them to the public until later on but because of certain accidents we have decided to tell you all right now."

We allow them to take a few photos before having our team get them away. We then run to our car and settle the girls in. We got a new car after the accident however it's the same car as the one that was totaled. 

After we buckle them in Harry and I climb into the front seats and start heading home or I guess to the hotel. We arrive at the hotel about five minutes later and take the girls up to our room. Harry and I were silent that entire car ride. 

I can feel the tension radiating off of him. "What's wrong love?" I ask him as I sit next to him on the bed rubbing his back. 

"I hate this." He says to me, "I hate that I can't say that those babies are mine to the world." 

"Oh love I hate it too." I say holding him. "We can do this ok? One of these days we will tell the world that we are together and that we had these beautiful babies together." I kiss his shoulder.

"I know, I just can't stand knowing that the world thinks that we aren't all together. You are all mine and I yours." Harry says in a defeated voice. It's then that Diana starts crying, getting fussy meaning she's probably hungry. 

I go to her and grab the feeding tube and the IV stand that we use to run her feeding tube up. I go to Harry and place her in his arm as I get her food ready along with Olivia's. Knowing that she will be hungry shortly as well.

"Look at us love. We are a family. We are all each others and always will be. Look at our babies and how happy they are." I say finishing up Diana as I pick up Olivia connecting the feeding tube to the bag. "I love you so much and Louis, Zayn, and Liam love you as well. Diana and Olivia love you!"

"I know, I just want the world to know." He says looking at Diana in his arms. He bounces his leg a little. "I love you all so much." He starts crying softly as I hold onto Olivia sitting next to him.

"Love the world will know soon. All we need is faith, love, and family to make it through this." I say leaning my forehead against his shoulder. 

"You are all my world."

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