Epilogue P.1

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P.O.V. Niall (A Year and a Half Later)

Today is the twins second birthday and the boys are currently setting everything up as I watch the kids. The twins playing with their baby dolls while nine month old Theo sits up playing with some soft blocks while he is in his play pin.

The youngest having beautiful dark brown hair with dark brown eyes. He's the spitting image of Liam and is the most curious little baby. He picks up everything he can and loves when we do story time.

I let the three continue to play as I go to the kitchen and prepare some grapes for the twins while I grab baby food for Theo. I do so quickly not a fan of leaving the kids out of my sight in general. Louis comes into the living room as I bring the food out to the kids. He kisses my head and lets me know that everything is set up.

All we have to do now is wait for our guests to come! Which is just our parents and some of our friends kids. Which is more than enough for the girls seeing as they have five sets of grandparents.

Louis passes me and picks up Theo kissing his chubby face all over making him laugh as I tell the girls its time to go outside. Louis follows me while the girls sprint past me to the backyard. We don't have to worry about the girls falling in the pool because of a fence around it so I'm not to concerned about them running out their.

When I get outside I see pink and purple streamers on the chairs, awning, and all around the pool fence. We have loads of pink and purple plates, napkins, silverware, and so forth. Across the awning is a banner that says Happy Second Birthday!

There is a three tiered princess cake and a whole bunch of cupcakes. We decided to have pizza and pasta for food as well as chips. The girls are currently talking to Zayn trying to convince him to let them have cake and pizza already and it looks like Zayn might be losing this battle. Out of all of us Zayn is the softest with the girls.

Sure I'm soft with them as well but their puppy dog eyes get him the most so he usually gives in. He's about to give in when Liam walks over and eyes them. "Girls, when Baba says no its no. Now go play until everyone gets here." Liam says messing with their hair before sending them on their way.

I roll my eyes at Liam for messing up the girls hair after having spent the last hour trying to get them to sit still long enough to put them in pigtails. I just laugh it off and go to the snack table with chips. Being five months pregnant I'm always in the mood for snacks.

Louis had taken the baby food from me earlier so now he's feeding Theo while the girls finally eat the grapes I gave them earlier. Talking up a storm when I walk up to the table. Harry appears out of nowhere and helps me sit down.

"Baby be careful!" He says, he's become so overprotective after the girls were born. With Theo I wasn't allowed to do anything on my own because he was scared something would happen. I'm assuming he was just scared after everything with the girls but thankfully everything went great but he's still anxious.

All the boys were anxious and had the doctor come to the house for Theo and this babies appointments which honestly was a lot better in the long run. It let the girls be more involved with the babies and we got to do everything in the comfort of our own home.

This baby is going to be our last if I have anything to say about it! I love my kids but I can't wait to be done being pregnant and watch our kids grow up! "I am being careful baby! I'm just sitting!" I say kissing his cheek after settling in my seat.

The girls look at me with hands full of grapes and mouths full like chipmunks. "I just want to be extra careful baby! We don't want her to try coming early now do we?" Harry says kissing my lips then going over to the girls. "Although I wouldn't mind seeing as these little cuties were here with us early!" He says pinching their cheeks.

"Papa! Papa stop!" Olivia says in between laughter. Diana trying to get out of her seat and away from Harry.

" Dada! Help Papa pinch my cheek!" Diana yells running over to Liam who was socializing with Zayn. Liam picks her up and she rests her head on his shoulder.

"Papa is pinching your cheeks? I think we need to get him back then!" Liam says running with Diana in his arms her head popping up arms extended to try to pinch Harry's cheeks. Olivia is now in Harry's arms running away from Liam and Diana. The four of them chasing each other around the pool.

"The guests are arriving love! I'll let them in just sit here and make sure no one falls in." Zayn says kissing my head while Louis and Theo watch this scene in front of us with me. Theo laughs his little baby laugh his face completely covered in baby food.

Louis grabs a napkin cleaning up Theo's face while I finish my chips. "Theo baby! Are Papa and Dada being funny?" Louis says to him.

"Papa!" Theo says jumping up and down in his seat. After cleaning him up Louis takes Theo out of his high chair and goes to our parents all of whom apparently came here together. I watch the scene ahead of me.

My loves all around me with our kids. Our family is almost complete and I can't believe how beautiful my family is. The twins, Theo, the baby in my belly, and the boys. All the things I could've wished for are all here with me.

Now to celebrate my babies turning two!

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