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P.O.V. Louis

Everything was going great today. Niall and the babies were doing amazing. I was on the phone telling Zayn about it when Liam is wheeled into the room. New bandages wrapped around his head. The first thing I notice is his eyes. They are open. I let out a scream and hung up on Zayn.

I rush to Liam's side while Niall is looking from his bed I'm holding onto Liam's hand. "Liam, baby it's me." I whisper practically shaking in my shoes. I hold his hand between mine as he looks at me with glossed eyes. I hear Niall moving in his bed before I feel him next to me. I quickly pull the chair next to me and help Niall sit down.

He shouldn't be standing. I do this quickly so I can turn back to Liam. His eyes are barely able to focus on me. Niall holds his hand as I move to Liam's other side. I place my hand on his face gently as I try to get him to focus on me. His eyes slowly focus on me before he smiles at me. 

"Hi baby, how are you feeling?" Niall says whispering the words as he looks at Liam. Liam slowly drags his gaze from mine over to Niall. I see him squeeze Niall's hand. He smiles at him before he starts coughing from trying to talk. 

I quickly leave Liam's side and pick up the cup of water next to Niall's bed. I also press the call button for a nurse realizing we haven't notified anyone of Liam's alertness.  I go back to Liam and bring the cup to his lips. He drinks slowly as a nurse comes in. 

She asks us to step away and works on a physical check along with a psychological check. I help Niall back into his bed kissing him quickly before stepping out of the room. I go outside and call Zayn back after realizing I hung up without giving him a reason. He didn't answer the call but before I can get worried I notice Harry and Zayn running through the front doors towards me.

"What happened?" Harry asks his voice holding a note of fear. 

"Liam's awake!" I say, "I was actually just calling you back!" Harry lets out a sigh of relief.

"Is he talking? What have the doctors said?" Zayn asks as we walk towards Niall and Liam's room.

"The doctors were just checking on him and he hasn't talked yet but he just woke up." I respond as we finally enter the room. Zayn and Harry go kiss Niall before stepping next to me to see Liam.

The doctor's were still prodding at Liam asking him questions. He nodded yes or no to questions still not speaking. Which is apparently common after waking up from a coma as your mouth feel likes a desert. 

It takes a few minutes before the doctor turns to us and tells us that everything seems ok neurologically speaking so far but they were going to take him for tests in a few minutes. He walks out after telling us and we go back to Liam.

I stand next to him and kiss him lightly on the cheek. I can't believe he's awake. Harry helps Niall into the chair next to Liam again and we all start updating Liam on what's been going on the last two weeks. 

After we tell him everything he sits still for a moment. I guess trying to process all the information. While we were talking Harry walked out to see if the babies could come to the room and meet Liam. It wasn't long until they were in the room.

Liam has tears filling his eyes as he focuses on the two cribs that come into the room. The babies no longer needing the oxygen tanks as their lungs have become stronger. Zayn goes to help Harry and picks up the twins. 

Olivia is sprawled in Zayn's arms as Harry holds Diana her mouth opening an closing as she stares up at him. "Liam this is Diana!" Harry says holding her toward him. Liam's hand moves up and her small fingers wrap around his index. 

"And this is Olivia!" Zayn says coming next to me placing her in between his legs. He looks between the two of them with a big smile across his face.

"Di-Diana and Livia." Liam says in a broken voice. 

"Yeah babe! Your their dada!" I say to him tears cascading down my face. My emotions getting the better of me. We let Liam just enjoy the moment of him meeting his two daughters for the first time.

Unfortunately the doctors came a couple minutes later to run some test on Liam and it broke my heart to see him wheeled away.


It's been a couple day's now and Liam is doing amazing! The doctor's told us to take small steps with Liam as his movement and his talking will be slow at first. But I can't help but be excited that he is awake. 

Everything is finally going back to normal! 

Liam has struggled with being immobile due to his broken leg and ribs. So he has been a little grumpy but his face brightens up at the sight of the girls! Today the doctor's told us that Niall's infection is officially gone and he can now go home.

Which is great but makes it so much harder on Liam. He hates that he can't come home yet but he will soon enough! We also get to find out if the babies get to come home with us!

I can't believe they are almost three weeks old already and they are doing so well! The doctor's weighed them yesterday and told us that they were finally in the 6 pound range and that they are doing well breathing on their own. 

They temporarily have to keep using a feeding tube until they get better at sucking but at least it won't be permanent. Still so much to come but now we have to figure out how to get the girls out of here without paparazzi and fans seeing us.

Please let this be easy.

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