Chapter Thirty Two - What Happened

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(Dylan's POV)

"Perrie, follow Louis and stay with Anna until she wakes up, ok?" Perrie smiles and says "of coarse" both of them start to walk away but I stop Louis "I need to talk to you when your done" he nods and continues carrying Anna to her room. Sitting on the couch, I let myself relax a little, the whole 'might get killed' thing really stressed me out. I already took Anna away from him once I don't know what he'd do if he found us... oh yeah I do, he'd fucking murder me. I rub my head because now it's pounding. No way in hell Harry is taking this lightly, I sigh and turn on the TV.

...Urgent news coming out of London today, a mass shooting at a hospital has taken place just this morning. Police and government officials believe it to be a terrorist attack against London... No word on which terrorist cell has gotten through...

I shake my head in disbelief, I know Harry is pissed but taking out an entire hospital! You've got to be kidding me. Louis walks in and I point at the TV "are you seeing this?" He furrows his eyebrows and sits next to me "terrorist attack? What of it" "look what hospital it is, that isn't a terrorist attack... it's Styles" Louis' jaw clenches and his fists tighten "all those people... WHAT IS WRONG WITH HIM!" "He wants me, that's what's wrong" Anna's voice catches both of our attention "he's not going to stop until he has me, you both know I'm right" "Anna-" Louis starts but she cuts him off "take me back" "no" I speak up for the first time "what do you mean no, I-" I walk over to her "I mean no. You wanna hear it in Spanish? No." She doesn't say anything, but I know she wants to... she's just to afraid to stand up to me "I got you out, your not going back" "ok" she whispers and turns to go back to her room. I know I was a little harsh but she can't go back, he'll absolutely kill her this time. Three strikes and your out.

(Anna's POV)

All of those people died because of me, hundreds of innocent men, women, and children. Families are now in ruins because I can't take a little abuse. I look up when I hear the floor creek by my door, waiting for someone to come in, someone that's probably Louis. I get up and open the door "you can come in you know" I say looking at a weary Louis he nods and moves past me "you can't go back Anna, he'll kill you" "it's better than all of those people dying Louis" he rolls his eyes "I don't know what kind of world you've been living in, but Harry has been doing shit like that for longer than he's even known you. You going back to him won't change that" "it'll make me feel better-" he stands up off of the bed quickly, obviously I said the wrong thing "feel better!? Anna are you nuts! Have you lost your mind, going back to him is suicide. make you feel better" he huffs "because giving you to Liam, in a locked basement, for a WEEK, made you feel amazing. Taking you from a place that you were finally happy, made you feel better... because he loves you so much, Anna if he did he wouldn't be acting like this, it isn't love it's infatuation of the fact that someone can love the monster he is" silence fills the room once Louis stops talking. I can't talk and even if I could I really don't have anything to say, I know he's right. "Louis, if I go back none if this will be happening, you could live your life not running, no one will die because of me... I should have never left him in the first place" Louis sighs and takes my shoulders, gently in his hands "you really don't know what kind of guy he is Anna, he kept you in the dark about a lot of things. Do you know what he did to Dylan that made him so upset he kidnaped you? Or the fact the we had three meetings discussing Ezra's death, even before Harry started abusing you?" I shake my head no and look to the floor. Three meetings, why would he even want Ezra dead- "Anna do you want to know?" It takes me a moment but I really should know the truth about Dylan, I keep judging him and it has to stop.

(Louis' POV)

When Anna said 'take me back' I knew I had to do something, anything to make her realize that none of this is her fault. What better way of showing her Harry's true colors than to tell her what really happened between him and Dylan. It's horrible and I'm ashamed to have been a part of it but Anna needs to know. She needs to wake up and stop thinking Harry use to be a good guy, when in all actuality he never was. "Ok, tell me what happened" her voice is weak and I can tell she is still in pain, but this needs to know before anyone does anything stupid.

"Do you remember Dylan's girlfriend, Jessie?" Anna nods her head and I continue "she didn't kill herself like Harry told you. He killed her. Harry found out Jessie was pregnant and he thought once the baby was born it would cause a major threat to Direction, something about competition because you were pregnant too. So Harry decided to cause a diversion, everyone except for Ezra was involved-" a tear leaves her eye and she says "I remember that day, Ezra stayed with me because I didn't feel good... you all left and when you came back Harry told me she killed herself and Dylan needed help cleaning up the mess" I make Anna sit down on the bed and I sit on the floor in front of her "yeah that's what he told you, what actually happened was he made you sick so Ezra would want to say home with you. Everything he ever did was for a reason, it was all calculated and precise and it worked out" "what do you mean he made me sick?" "He slipped something in your drink the night before, I didn't know what it was." "Did Ezra know what was going on?" I shake my head no "no he didn't, he rarely got to know anything that was going on. But that was because Harry felt threatened by him, Harry knew Ezra had feelings for you and that's one of the reasons he hated him so much- but anyway back to Dylan. While me and the lads created a diversion Harry went in and killed her, Anna he- he... it doesn't matter. As a result Dylan took you and tortured you and you lost-" "my baby" she whispers and another tear stains her cheek. "All Harry has ever wanted is power, he doesn't care about anything else, and it doesn't matter who he hurts in the process as long as he gets what he wants"

When I got done telling Anna everything I could clearly see she couldn't take anymore. Her face lost all color and her hands started shaking. I knew if I didn't stop she would have passed out. So after I got her situated in bed I left her alone. She had to know the truth, I couldn't keep lying to her about how 'good' Harry use to be when the truth is he's always been an evil bastard. We all thought Anna would change him for the better, boy were we wrong. It completely backfired and Anna is paying the price, her entire being is drained she use to be this happy little blonde girl that smiled and laughed all the time, that made jokes about serious things, she always found the light in dark situations. Now when you look at her you can see the darkness has finally taken over. It started to come back when she was with Ezra, I hope she finds that light again because she really does deserve it. "Louis" her small voice brings me back into the room "yeah?" "Why did you have meetings about Ezra?" I sigh and close my eyes "another time princess-" "no I have the right to know" I nod and return to the room shutting the door behind me.

"Before Ezra was in Direction he was actually a part of Dylan's crew" her eyes go wide and I hold up my hand telling her not to freak "once he met you he left and joined Harry. So normally Harry was always a little weary of him. It was the day that Ezra and Zayn went out together and had a chat that Harry realized his feelings for you, Obviously he didn't like that. He made us sit through his lectures about how Ezra was bad for Direction, he even tried to say he was a rat for Dylan, but I don't think anyone believed that... The day he caught you two together was the day he was going to kill him, that's why he needed him for that 'job' I guess he got so caught up in hurting you that harry completely forgot about Ezra" I take her hand "if it wasn't for you Ezra would have been killed" "he was killed because of me, it just took longer than Harry intended" "you can't keep blaming yourself Anna-" "why not!? its my fault Louis! he's dead because of me!" when she completely breaks down I pull her into a hug, her shaking body collapses into me like she no longer has enough strength to hold herself up. "It's going to be ok Anna" I kiss her head and lay her on the bed "I promise" when I walk out of the room I close the door. I've had enough with putting her through this. I go up to Dylan, who is sitting in the kitchen with Perrie "when are you going to be ready? because I don't think Anna can take much more"


Remember to read

Mixer_directioner100 Taken
ZaynsGirl71 Intoxicating
LetoLover7 Pleasure & Pain
RooneyTune Breathe

Until next time lovelies ❤️

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