Chapter Seven - That Was Very Touching

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(Anna's POV)

"Harry your hurting me-" a sharp pain spread across my cheek and before I have time to register what happed another comes... he hit me. "WHO THE FUCK GAVE YOU THIS!?" He slams me against the brick wall, causing me to yelp in pain "WHO!!??" "n-no on-ne I-" he slams me again and I start to feel dizzy "WHO MARKED YOU ANNA?! DONT LIE TO ME!!" I cry harder... I'm not lying to him I would never cheat on him, I don't even know what he's- the curling iron
"H-Harry it's not-t I burn-nt myself-" he smacks me again and grabs me by the throat "I TOLD YOU NOT TO LIE TO ME!" I grab his arms and try to pry his hands away from me... he's going to kill me. this is it, this is how I'm going to die.

Before I pass out Harry drops me. I gasp and cough, holding my throat trying to catch my breath "Get the fuck up" he yanks my arm and pulls me up "I'm not done with you yet" "n-no pl-lease-" another smack to my face and break to my heart. I never thought Harry would hurt me, he's not even letting me explain "p-please Hazza stop" I cry, trying to get through to my Hazza the one that would never hurt me. The man that loves me... because I don't know who this monster is. "No you don't get to call me that! YOU LOST THAT WHEN YOU FUCK SOMEONE ELSE!!" I expect another smack but instead he punches me, so hard I fall to the floor. He doesn't stop at one punch... he keeps going.

I wake up, my heart beating out of my chest and head pounding. It was just a dream or a memory actually. I touch the back of my head to see how hard I hit it in the car, when I pull my hand away there's blood on my fingers "you hit your head" I jump when I hear Liam's voice but calm down a bit because at least it's not Harry "yeah" he walks over to me and sits down "Louis put you on the couch, you've been out for three days" three days, three days? How could I be passed out for three days? I look over to where Ezra was tied up and start to panic "where's-" "he's ok" he points to the hallway, just as Zayn walks out with Ezra. Zayn smiles at me and mouths 'bathroom' "eh there's my girl-" out of no where Zayn punches Ezra in the stomach "no stop-" Liam pins me down on the couch "do it again Zayn, I like her begging" I struggle under Liam, but he only puts more of his body pressure on me "ZAYN!" He screams, and another punch goes to Ezra’s face
"pleas-se sto-p" I beg and Liam's hands start to roam over my body "Lia-am p-please don't" he moans "mm I told you I like it when you beg" please don't do this to me, not my brother... not again. I start to struggle harder when he pulls my shirt up "Liam p-please" smack. I start to scream, scream for someone I never thought I'd scream for again "HARRY!" Liam puts his hand over my mouth to keep me quiet but I scream through his hand "fucking bitching shut up!" The next thing I know Liam is being ripped off of me.

 Instead of being pulled off the couch and hit like I was bracing myself for, I was pulled into the strong arms of someone I wasn't expecting. Ezra. I didn't open my eyes, I didn't say anything, I didn't want his embrace to end... I forgot how much I missed him. How much I missed his hugs. I let myself relax in his arms and the tears I was trying to hide from Liam came pouring out "shhhh" he kisses my head "I've got you" out of nowhere someone starts to clap and I jump out of Ezra's arms "that was very touching" Harry says with a smile on his face. Ezra stands up and screams "YOU SAID YOU WOULDN'T HURT HER ANYMORE WITH ME HERE!" Harry looks shocked after he said that "what are you talking about?" "That son of a bitch" he points to Liam's whose on the floor passed out... how did that happen? "Tried to rape her" Harry’s eyes go narrow and he looks at me “again?” I nod my head, Harry never did like it when Liam hurt me. Especially if it was something like that. I don’t know why he lets Louis to whatever he fucking wants to with me, I guess it’s because Liam is my brother. Harry starts to walk over to me but Ezra steps in his way “don’t you think she’s been through enough for one night Styles?” If looks could kill Ezra would be six feet under… or deeper. “If you don’t move she’s going to go through a whole hell of a lot worse when I blow your head off your shoulders” Ezra still doesn’t move so I decide I’ll go. I stand in between them, something I used to do all the time when Ezra was still a member of Direction, and put a hand on Harry’s chest “please don’t, I’ll go with you” without another word Harry takes my hand and leads me to the bedroom.

(Harry’s POV)

“HARRY!” I jolt awake hearing Anna scream my name “I swear to God I’ll kill whoever thinks hurting her at 3oclock in the morning is ok” I hear muffled screams of my name continue so I get out of bed to see what the fuck is going on. When I get to the living room I see Liam on the floor knocked out and- aw Ezra hugging Anna… a half-naked Anna? What the hell is going on? I decide not to make my presence known yet, this way I’ll know the entire truth “shhhh” ok so he comforting her? He kisses her head and I ball up my fists “I’ve got you” all right that’s enough. I clap, why not applaud their little time together “That was very touching” I smile “YOU SAID YOU WOULDN’T HURT HER ANYMORE WITH ME HERE!” I didn’t hurt her, what the bloody hell is going on! I can’t even sleep anymore without someone doing something stupid “What are you talking about?” I listen to what Ezra had to say, what Liam tried to do, and then look at Anna. Liam, sick bastard. “Again?” I ask her and she nods, confirming what Ezra told me. After Anna came in between me and Ezra and went with me voluntarily I decide she can sleep with me tonight. I was just going to ask her if she was ok and throw Liam out for the night, but she picked me so “C’mon you can sleep with me tonight” she looks at me, clearly scared that I’m going to hurt her. I smile “no strings attached promise” I pull off my shirt and get under the duvet. She’s still standing in the middle of the room staring at me, I laugh and say “C’mon sweetheart… we’ll cuddle” a catch a smile tug at her lips, but she tries to hide it. She goes to closet and when she comes out she’s wearing one of my old T-shirts.

She use to wear my shirts all the time, before everything went to shit. Before she fucked someone else… Before I started beating her. She climbs into bed and looks at me “dear God will you get over here” I gently grab her hips and pull her close to me. It takes her a minute but she finally relaxes when I put my arm around her waist, like I use to. “My shirt huh?” she doesn’t say anything but I can feel her smile against my chest “it’s the one you always use to wear you know” she raises her head to look at me “… I know” she lays her head back down “it still smells like you though” I chuckle at her comment “is that your way of telling me I smell good?” she nods her head and I smile “goodnight Anna” “goodnight Harry”

When I wake up in the morning Anna is still in the same position she fell asleep in, the same position we fell asleep in. I move the hair out of her eyes and she starts to wake up “good morning, sleep well” she rubs her eyes and looks at me “mhm… Harry please let me tell you what really happened that night” I feel my jaw clench and she visably starts to shake “why?” “Because you never let me finish” I start to get out of bed, I’m not listening to this, why does she have to fucking ruin everything. We had a nice night, I was nice to her. “Harry” I snap “WHAT!? What are you going to tell me, that it was an accident, that you made a stupid decision, that you weren’t thinking. Anna I don’t want to hear excuses!” she starts to cry a little “then let me tell you the truth”  

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