Chapter Six - Mistake

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Harry is played by Harry... Duh ;)

Anna's POV

Yes I remember, I remember everything. I remember how much I loved him, he was my everything. He was the love of my life, my bestfriend... my safety. I lost everything that night, my entire world came crashing down on me and I couldn't do anything to make it stop, or even slow down. After that night Harry has never been the same towards me.... He hates me.

"Anna have you been listening to anything I've fucking said?"

I have and all Harry is doing is yelling at me, it's not like I can talk back right now anyway. he stands up and brings me with him, bending slightly so that we are face to face.

"I haven't seen you in three years and your not even going to say anything" say anything you fucking broke my jaw and you want me to say something! I look at him like he's stupid and I point to my jaw. He laughs, he fucking laughs... arshole. "right right, I keep forgetting" he grabs a piece of paper and a pen and hand them to me "write" I take the pen and scratch out a 'what' on the paper and hand it back to him.

After he read the 'what' he looked at me and I saw his eyes go from the green that I fell in love with, to the black that haunts my dreams. I start to back away slowly but he notices and grabs me "you think your allowed to talk to me like that!!?" He screams in my face. I shake my head no "No your not!! Your not coming back and acting like your all brave and shit!!" He bends down so his face is touching mine and whispers "I broke you once sweetheart and I'll do it again... I have a feelin it'll be easier this time" he kisses me "I have something I didn't have last time" I pull away and silently beg him not to, I know he's talking about Ezra. I grab the pen and paper from him and write 'Harry please don't, don't hurt him! He didn't have anything to do with me leaving' I hand the paper to harry and he laughs when he's done reading it "HOW FUCKING STUPID DO YOU THINK I AM!?" He goes to open the door but I grab the back of his shirt to stop him, he turns around to smack me but I kiss him instead.

(Liam's POV)

This is a mess, this entire situation is fucked and guess who gets to clean up the mess. Me. The plan was to bring Ezra here and kill him, not bloody kidnap him "your a lucky bastard Harrington, you know that" he smirks "oh Liam don't act like you didn't miss me... not even a little" I go over to him and punch him in the face "you betrayed this gang, betrayed Harry, my sister-" "I loved your sister!" I send another blow to his face and he spits out the blood "I never betrayed her, I never hurt her! Can you say the same? Can Harry? Because I know for a fact that you beat the shit out of her-" I pull out my gun and push it against his head "if you say one more thing I'll kill you" the door opens and Zayn walks in "lad already? Christ what is it with you and Harry today? All this gun bullshit" he comes and takes the gun from me "I'm seriously thinking about hiding all the bloody bullets from you both" "I think that's a marvelous idea-" I send another blow to Ezra's head, this time he passes out "YOU H HAVE LET ME KILL HIM!" I yell at Zayn. Why the hell is he protecting him? This entire situation is madness "why so Harry can be pissed at you, you know he wants to be the one to kill em" I'm about to tell at Zayn some more but Harry walks in "You should listen to him Liam, he's not wrong" he smirks and sits down next I Ezra "what happened to em?" "He talked about Anna so I took care of it" Harry nods in agreement.

Out of nowhere I'm being thrown against a wall "NEXT TIME YOU DECIDE ITS OK TO KILL SOMEONE WITHOUT TALKING TO ME FIRST, IM GOING TO PUT A BULLET IN ANNA'S HEAD" Harry growls "do you understand?" I nod my head 'yes' and he lets me go. What the hell just happened? Did that just happen? It must have because even Louis is looking at Harry in shock. What happened in that room that made him act like that. Anna must have said or done something to piss him off. I decide to go and see what happened. I open the door and Anna is sitting on the bed crying "What happened? What the fuck did you do this time?" walking over to her I see that she has and marks on her neck from earlier and new marks on her arms and wrists "he loves you, you know that" she cries even more when that sentence left my mouth "well he does. Its your fault you fucked everything up" she shakes her head, disagreeing with me. I sigh and lay down next to her on the bed, she bends over and picks up a notepad from the floor and starts to write something. When shes done she hands it to me 'when he was in here I tried to kiss him, he pushed me away. He stopped loving me a long time ago' "And what were you guys talking about before you tried to kiss him?" she continues to write 'Ezra' "Unbelievable! How stupid are you? you think he going to want to kiss you after the only reason you want to is to save Ezra!" Harry walks in with his car keys "C'mon your getting your jaw checked out" he grabs her arm and stands her up "I want to hear you scream and beg me to stop hurting you" after he said that Anna looked at me. The same look she always gives me the help-me-your-my-big-brother look. I would help her, if I didn't think she deserves it.

(Anna's POV)

"Alright Ms. Payne your jaw is just dislocated, I'm going to have to put it back in place but after that it should heal fairly quick. You'll be talking in no time" The doctor smiles at me before she leaves the room to get what she needs to pop it back in place. Harry stayed in the waiting room, I guess he didn't want to answer questions about abuse. Of course I had to though, I had to lie and say it was an 'accident' that I'm 'clumsy' that its an 'old injury'. Lies I've told thousands and thousands of times, to numerous doctors and nurses... To Ben. Of course he noticed the scars and I still had bruises when I met him, I couldn't hide them forever. But I didn't tell him the truth, I wanted to move on, I didn't want to be reminded about my past. I already was every time I looked in a mirror, I didn't want Ben to feel different towards me. I didn't want him to see that I was broken. He was strong and brave, he was a cop for Christs sake he had to be, I didn't want him to see me as weak. I just wanted to be normal again. But sometimes I think he knew something happened in my past, like when I would wake up screaming in the middle of the night from a dream. Ben didn't ask me about it though, he just held me until I stopped crying and fell asleep in his arms. I loved him so much for that, for understanding that I just needed to be held and told I was ok, that everything was going to be ok and that he had me and wasn't going to let anything happen to me.

The Doctor fixed my dislocated jaw, gave me pain medication, and sent me on my way "all better now sweetheart?" Harry beams when I walk out with the Doctor "yes sir, it was only dislocated. I put it back in place and prescribed some pain relievers, Anna should be feeling better by tomorrow" Harry smiles and shakes the Doctors hand "thank you so much" "not a problem, and Ms. Payne" she looks at me "take care of yourself" she smiles and I nod in agreement. When we get to Harry's car he opens the door for me and buckles me in "see how good I am to you" he shuts my door and climbs into the drivers seat "took you to the Doctor and everything" he starts up his Range Rover and pulls out of the parking lot "I started this gang, took you and your brother in" he looks at me "put a roof over your head, and food in the fridge" he pulls into an alleyway, where is he taking me "I loved you, I took care of you, and what did you do to repay me?" he stops the car. oh please no, I feel my heart race and tear start to cloud my vision "YOU FUCKED EZRA! THE ONE GUY ON THIS PLANET THAT I HATE THE MOST!" he takes my jaw in his hands and starts to squeeze it, immediately sending excruciating pain through my face. I try to turn away, try to move my face out of his grip but he's took strong "AND I FIND OUT IN THE DAY I PROPOSE TO YOU! DON'T YOU THINK I HAVE THE RIGHT TO BE A LITTLE UPSET?!" He shoves me back and I hit my head on the window... hard. My vision starts to get blurry and I can't hear what Harry is saying anymore.

(Back in New York)

"I made a mistake! I have to go find her!" my boss shake his head "this would be an even bigger mistake. You can't just go around searching and poking around in peoples business, these are dangerous men. You don't even know where she is" I start to walk out of the door "yes I do... Shes in London"

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