Chapter Twenty One - Drama

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Hi everyone! I just wanted to thank you for reading my story :) I also wanted to ask if you could read Mixer_directioner100 story, its called Taken. Its really good and I'll be helping with some ideas for it soon :)

Thanks! Enjoy Chapter Twenty One :)


(Zayn's POV)

As soon as I saw Anna's hand twitch I knew she was starting to wake up, but that didn't mean I wanted Louis to know. So I grabbed her hand and hid it from him until he left me alone with her. Once she said my name hope entered my mind, maybe she will pull through, I was so happy. "hey babe. you feel ok? Do you want me to call in the nurse?" She sakes her head no "ok, I won't-" "Z-Zay-yn" she whispers my name in disbelief "it's me Annie, I don't know how but I'm here" she smiles and tears of happiness leaves her eyes. the next thing I known her eyes go shut again "Anna?" I shake her a little "Anna!?" The heart monitor starts to beep "HELP! SOMEONE PLEASE!!" Everyone comes rushing into the room, doctors and nurses hold me back and eventually I'm pushed out of the room... Followed by a distraught Ezra. "What happened?!" "she woke up, saw me, said my name, then that" I point to the room "I don't know what happened" Ezra bangs on the door "LET ME BACK IN THERE!" Anna's door opens and the same doctor from before comes out "her brother is in there with her now. She is stabilized but I don't know how long that will last" she pats Ezra on the shoulder and weakly smiles at me.

"I need some air" I tell Ezra and he nods "call me if anything happens" "k" I walk through the hospital for at least an hour just trying to find the damn exit, how hard is it to find a fucking exit?! "sir are you alright?" I turn around and see a girl "yeah just trying to find the damn exit" she giggles "its right there" she points to a door down the hall "well then" I chuckle "thanks, I'm Zayn by the way" "Perrie" she smiles, and I wave goodbye. As soon as I get outside I regret my decision. Its bloody cold out here! I deal with it though, maybe some cold air in my lungs will do me some good "Oi Zayn, why are you outside?" I hear Louis' voice echo from the parking garage "needed some air" he nods then I see Harry walking up from behind him "NO! Get the fuck out of here!" he just smirks "don't tell me what to do-" "I am telling you what to do, SHE JUST FLATLINED IN THERE!" his eyes go wide and he hangs his head "is s-she?" "She's stable for now... you can't go in there, just the sight of you will kill her" "or help her" he walks past me before I can stop him and then I hear gunshots.

(Harry's POV)

I'm not going to let her lie here and die, these doctors need to do everything they can to save her... And I know just how to make sure that happens. I push past Zayn and go inside the hospital "ALL RIGHT EVERYONE LISTEN!" I let my gun go off twice, not hitting anyone I just want attention right now "DOES EVERYONE KNOW WHO I AM?!" Silent cries tell me they do "Good! So here is what's going to happen - my fiancé is here and your not going to let her die, because if you do..." I shoot my gun but this time aim for the wall behind a doctors head "I'll kill every single one of you, my men are scattered in this building so, don't disappoint me!" I walk up to the nurses station and lay my gun down on the counter "Annabella Payne's Doctor, please" I ask a nurse that is literally shaking, but a woman walks up and says "I'm Ms. Payne's doctor, she's right this way Mr. Styles" we walk down the halls of the hospital in silence until we reach Anna's room. She goes to open the door but I put my hand over and close it, I need to lay down some rules first "you know who I am?" she nods "you know the things I've done?" she nods again "that's the most important person in my life laying on that hospital bed, her life is in your hands" I put my hands on the door, trapping her "sir-" I bang my fists on the door and the doctor jumps "Do not interrupt me" I move her and make her look through the small window on the door "do you see what happened to her? I did that. If she is the most important person in my life and I did that to her, can you imagine what I'll do to you if you don't pull her out of this" "... yes sir" I smile "alright, now open the door and leave us alone for now" she does as told and closes the door behind me. Liam is sitting next to Anna's bed, his back facing me "was wondering when you were gonna show up" I pull up a chair next to Liam's and sit down "where is everyone?" "Well Ezra got so upset about Anna the nurses sedated him, he's next door" I laugh "really? what about Niall" he shrugs "dunno, probably the cafeteria" that's right he didn't finish his Nandos. I smirk, poor bastard "I'll uh give you a moment alone" he says it more like a question, so I nod. As soon as he closes the door I break down.

The sight below me completely broke my heart. Destroying everything within me, it was Anna. Unconscious and hooked up to a machine. "Oh God," I choke out, feeling the room spin around me, making me place my hand on the wall and the other on my forehead, "Oh God, no. No!" I scream. How could I do this to her, it's never gotten this bad. I drop my upper body above her, and hold on to her shoulders gently. I could recognize her from a mile away, but now I could barely notice anything of my Anna. Her lips are cut and purple. Her eyes are swollen and bruised. Her nose is cut open and bleeding. Her skin isn't even her beautiful tan anymore. Its all black and blue, and so broken it doesn't even look like skin. "H-Ha-arr-ry" she mumbles my name making me jump off of her in shock. Her eyes are slightly open, and I know she's awake. And I know, by the look on her face, that she is terrified and feeling an unbearable amount of pain.

Backing away from her, I sit back down "I'm not going to hurt you" I whisper "I'm so-o sorry" she doesn't say anything but I can tell her mind is going absolutely insane. "Anna-" the door opens and Zayn comes in "I'm not leaving you alone with her" he looks over and sees that she's awake "Annie? You ok?" Still she doesn't say anything "does she bloody look ok!" "GET OUT!" I stand up, I'm going to fucking loose it "back off Zayn" I growl. He grabs my shirt and punches me in the face
"S-STOP!" It's like time froze when her voice echoed off of the hospital walls. Zayn let go of me and I wipe the blood off of my nose. Control yourself Styles, calm down, calm down. I tell myself over and over again, I can't hurt Zayn right now... not in front of Anna "baby I'm sorry-" "SHUT THE FUCK UP! do you honestly think she believes you" I turn around to face him, I'm seriously regreting keeping him alive "Zayn, I'm telling you to back off" he smirks "and I'm telling you to leave, she doesn't want you here" a noise from behind me makes me turn around.

(Zayn's POV)

Unbelievable, she trying to get up. I rush over to her and gently lie her back down "dont get up! are you trying to kill yourself" she winces in pain once I get her back in the bed. "s-st-top fighting" I look up at her and see that she's crying. "Harry go and get the doctor-" "how bout you go get the fucking doctor!" the door bursts open and Ezra comes in "BOTH OF YOU GET OUT!!" the entire room goes quiet, I don't think I've ever hear Ezra yell. Or raise his voice at all for that matter, and I don't think Harry has either because the look on his face is priceless. I look at Anna and she says "please" thats all I needed to hear, I grab Harry and literally drag him out of the room. Once we get out of the door I get a punch to the face "you fucking deserved that" I chuckle "yeah and you deserve a lot worse" "how could you leave her in there with him alone, he did this to her" Ok, its official Harry Styles is insane "Ezra didn't do this to her Harry, your the one covered in her blood. Your the one that she's running from, the one that fucking haunts her life" I start to walk away "not Ezra" as I'm leaving I run into Louis "watch Anna please, dont let them alone" he nods and walks away.

(Anna's POV)

After Harry and Zayn left it felt like a weight had been lifted off my chest, like I could breathe again. I just wanted to be alone for a minute, just one minute to myself without drama... but that didn't happen. I was fine with it just being me and Ezra, I was actually happy, but it only lasted for a second because Louis came in. Ezra go up and was ready to throw him out but Louis put his hands up in defense "Zayn wanted me in here to make sure Harry doesn't try anything" he looks at me "for once I'm trying to help you Anna" Ezra turns too look at me and make sure its ok, so I nod. "thank you kindly miss" Louis bows, making me laugh, and sits down in a chair "theres the smile I could always make you smile" Ezra pats Louis on the back and thanks him. I dont know what has gotten into Louis but I'm glad it did.

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