Chapter Forty One - Dominance

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Anna's POV

I moved into Harry's flat today, the doctors gave me a clean bill of health and sent me on my way. I've gotten to know Harry throughout these past couple of days and I can see why I fell in love with him. He's so sweet and caring, he loves Shaya to death and I can see it in his eyes that he loves me too. The only issues I'm having are with Liam, I can't believe he would hurt me let alone send me to the hospital. We've been through hell together and he's always tried his best to protect me, even if that meant him taking the blunt of father's beatings. Why would he turn on me, what did I do to him? It must've been really horrible for him to hurt me. I'm afraid to ask Harry, every time I bring Liam up it makes him mad. I know he would never hurt me, I just don't like it when he's angry for some reason. I don't know why, I guess I'm paranoid from my father since that's the last thing I remember. I tried asking Louis but he just ignored my question, typical. "baby do you need any help unpacking?" I feel Harry's arms wrap around my waist "no, I think I'm good" I answer and turn around in his hold "I'm almost done anyway, just a few more clothes" he nods and kisses me quickly "ok... still don't remember anything huh?" He asks with a hint of sadness in his voice "no, I'm sorry" he bends down and kisses my forehead "it's ok sweetheart" he mumbles "when your done up here come downstairs alright? I've got a surprise" "a surprise?" I giggle and he shakes his head "get done unpacking, silly girl" He laughs and I nod and shoo him out.

Once I'm done unpacking I rush down the steps, I'm not going to lie I'm excited about whatever Harry is planning. I reach the bottom step and see Harry in the kitchen, sitting on the counter top, talking on the phone. I wait until he's hung up before I step into the room "what was that about?" I ask "nothing, Louis came and picked up Shaya for us while you were upstairs, he just forgot her formula so he running to the store" "oh, ok" I smile "so c'mhere" he says with a smirk, that makes my heart almost jump out of my chest. I step in between his legs and he wraps his arms around my waist "can I kiss you?" His raspy voice slowly creeps out the question and I nod. His lips meet mine for a brief second before he pulls away, making me internally whimper... I didn't want him to pull away "Harry-" "I'm sorry, I should've known it was too soon" he cuts me off and I laugh at his cuteness "I was going to ask you why you stopped" he furrows his eyebrows and smirks "oh, well then"


It gets smutty here people ;) I just want to thank LetoLover7 for writing this part for me, I was having some major smut writers block lol

The smut stops at Harry's POV, so if you skip just start back up there :)

He wraps his arms around me and then starts kissing and nibbling on my neck.... the playful action turning dominant when he growls in my ear about how I'm his, and his alone. I quickly lose the ability to keep myself upright at his words. My body leans against his as he continues his dominance. The whispers come faster now, demanding me to say that I am his, demanding me to give him my heart and soul.

And of course I give in, because how could I not? I've already given him everything once, why not let myself do it again. So I tell him exactly what he wants to hear. How my existence depends on him. My head starts to fall onto his shoulder, but he lifts up my chin. "Look at me, sweetheart" he commands, "Say you're mine." Seeing the desire in his emerald eyes draws the words from my lips easily. Only once I've said the words does he finally kiss me on the lips again. Claiming me.

He slides off of the counter and lifts me up, effortlessly. Wrapping my legs around his waist. Our bodies mold together perfectly. His fingers move to slowly reveal my skin to him. With each piece of clothing he removes, his kisses trail lower to the newly exposed flesh. I could barely register our bodies moving into the living room and onto the sofa. As my bra is pulled away Harry lays my down gently, a smile finally forming on his face as he gazes down at me. I can't keep from reaching for him, just needing to feel his skin against mine again.

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