Chapter Forty Three - Little White Lie

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Anna's POV

I freeze in his arms, not knowing how to process everything I remember. I remember everything and it's killing me all over again. He's lied to me again, from day one he's lied to me. I step away from him and lock myself in our bathroom. I can't be around him right now, I don't want to be around him. "Anna?" He knocks on the door "are you ok sweetheart?" The knob turns and I hear him groan in frustration "let me in Anna" I open my mouth to tell him no but he speaks firsts "now Anna" "please leave me alone for a minute" that's when his fist comes down on the door, making me scream. "Anna god dammit open the f.ucking door!!" He bangs on the door once more before I hear him walk away. I don't understand why he's so mad, we were starting to work on our relationship before I lost my memory, me getting it back shouldn't change anything. "Anna if you don't open this door right now-" before he can finish his sentence I get up and unlock the door. When I open it he just stares at me... Until he pins me against the wall. He looks down at me and I try my best not to be scared, to not shake, or start to cry. So instead I look into his black eyes and silently plead with him to stop and let me go. He raises his hand and I flinch, thinking he's going to hit me, but instead he moves my face up to his and kisses me. Hard. "Please don't leave me" he says after our lips part "please, I can't loose you again" I close my eyes to stop the stinging and I feel him let me go "I I'm sorry I lied and I know you hate me-" I cut him off "I don't hate you Harry I never did... I told myself that I hated you, I tried my best to hate you" when I look at him he isn't angry anymore, he actually looks sad "after everything you've done to me, everything I've found out about you, even n-now-" I stop my sentence and finally let myself cry, not just because I'm sad, but because it feels so good to actually admit to myself that I still love him. He walks up to me and wraps me in his arms, burying his face in my neck "I still love you Harry and I never stopped" I pull away just enough to look at him "I need you and it's killing me, your killing me... But I know now that I will never be able to get away from you, not because you'll find me or lock me up, it's because I don't want to be away from you." He smiles at that and pulls me in for one more kiss before he let's me go "what did I do to deserve you?" He whispers "I don't know" "that's because I don't deserve you, I've hurt you so much Anna. I've done so many things to you, some you don't even know about, and you still love me... I think we're both crazy" I laugh "I think your right because I feel like a freaking lunatic right now" I run a had through my hair and as Harry leaves the bathroom I walk out with him.

Harry fell asleep a little while after we got back into bed. Right now he's got a tight hold on my waist, my head is on his chest, and one of my legs is draped over his. This should be comfortable, but right now my skin is crawling, so much has happened and now I'm suppose to act like everything is ok again. I do love him and I want to try to fix us, but I also can't forget about Ezra not after today... He doesn't even know that I remember him, that I remember everything and I've made the decision to stay with Harry. He's been doing so good lately, he hasn't hurt me or yelled, he even left the house today so he wouldn't loose his temper. I'm so proud of him. I snuggle into his chest and he lightly squeezes my waist "I love you Harry" I whisper, not thinking he heard me "I love you too baby" I tilt my head up to look at him "please stay like this" he chuckles "we have to get up sometime, we have a child" I giggle "you know what I mean, please don't-" he cuts me off "I'll never hurt you again, I mean it this time" "promise?" He leans down and kisses my forehead "I promise" he sighs "I wish we could stay like this though, just laying in bed all day... but I can't I have to kill Ezra tomorrow" I sit up "Harry!" He looks at me and starts to laugh "I was kidding" he pulls me back down "relax sweetheart... if I was going to kill him I wouldn't tell you" I start to get up again but he doesn't let me "KIDDING!!!" He laughs "little white lies never hurt anybody babe-" I whine "HARRRRRYYYY" he chuckles "your so cute" I roll my eyes and snuggle closer to his body "just leave him alone, I choose you." "ok" I feel him kiss the top of my head and I finally let my tired eyes close.

Harry's POV

As soon as I felt Anna's body go limp in my arms I carefully moved her and got out of bed to call Louis.

"Harry, you do realize it's 3 in the morning?" He groans

"Anna remembers"

"What?" He asks

"She remembers, she f.ucking remembers!" I whisper yell into the phone

I hear Lou sigh "what are you going to do about it?"

"I'm going to kill that son of a b.itch Ezra"

"I'll be over in a bit, don't do anything until I get there" Louis hangs up the phone and I go outside to smoke.

Now that Anna remembers there's that chance that Ezra will weasel his way back into our lives and she isn't strong enough to ignore him and his advances. The fist chance he gets she'll be back in his arms and I'll be the arsehole again. I can't let that happen. Ezra has to go. Even if that means one more lie to Anna. One big fucking lie. I told Anna I wouldn't kill him but this s.hit needs to end, I can't keep doing this, I can't keep living with the fear that Anna will leave me. It'll drive me to hurt her again and I know if I do that just one more time she'll be done with me forever. I bring the cigarette up to my lips and take a drag "I thought you stopped smoking" Anna startles me, making me drop the cigarette out of my mouth. I look up at her and smirk "you snuck up on me" she giggles "I'm sorry I wasn't trying to" I shake my head and chuckle "you amaze me, Anna" she sits down next to me and lays her head on my shoulder "how do I amaze you?" "You snuck up on me... no one sneaks up on Harry Styles" she giggles, but doesn't say anything else. When I'm done smoking Anna stands up to go inside "go ahead in sweetheart, I just need some air"

Anna's POV

How stupid does he think I am!? You've got to be kidding me 'I just need some air' if that's not a bullshit lie then I don't know what is. I sit down next to him "I'll just wait out here with you then, I could use some fresh air too" I know he's up to something I just don't know what and I intend to find out. "Anna go back inside" he says sternly "why?" I snap "because your planning on doing something you know will make me upset and or hate you?!" He looks at me with furrowed brows and black eyes "Anna I swear to god if you don't get back in that house right now you'll regret ever coming outside" he says the threat calmly but there is venom behind it, so much that I can't help but to fight back "No" I stand up "I'm staying out here and seeing what's going on. If you hit me you'll regret ever coming outside" he stands up and walks over to me "say that again sweetheart" "I said 'you'll regret ever coming outside' because you will loose me, and your daughter forever. This, what we have now, is your last chance to make things right between us and make up for all the things you've done to me" he keeps his eyes on me, his jaw clenched, his lips in a hard line, and his body ridged. What he does next shocks me... He starts to laugh "alright Anna, you win this time" he inches closer to me and pushes me up against the front door "but when are you going to make up for the things you've done to me?" He let's me go and walks back into the house, leaving me speechless.

Louis showed up a little after I came back inside. I was going to talk to Harry more but of coarse Louis has all of his attention, so I just went upstairs to Shaya's room. When I open her door I find her fast asleep in her crib, right were I left her. All safe and warm. I sit down in the rocking chair next to her crib and try to calm down. Unfortunately my mind doesn't let me. All I keep thinking about is how I spoke to Harry, I've never snapped at him like that, Never. I don't know what got into me, I really pushed him, he could have- "Louis and I are going out" Harry says trough the door "I'll be back tomorrow" I get up and open the door coming face to face with an angry looking Harry "don't go" I say to him, my voice barely a whisper "please stay here and talk to me... I'm sorry I snapped at you, I don't know what happened" he looks at me and smirks "you know exactly what your doing, your trying to push me so I hurt you and you can go run to Ezra!" He screams, waking up Shaya, and stalks out of the room.

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