Chapter Fourteen - Gone

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(Ann's POV)

"Remember that thing I taught you? I'm going to try something and I need you to trust me" my crying slowed and I nodded my head. I knew what he was talking about, Ezra has only taught me a handful of things and only one of them would be useful now... breaking out of handcuffs. He smiles and puts his forehead on mine "ready?" "... yes" he kisses me and not even a second later Harry comes bursting through the door, grabbing me by the throat and slamming me against the wall "You really are a stupid slut" he growls into my ear "can't even keep your legs closed long enough to mourn Zayn" "Fuck you!" I spit in his face. the only way this is going to work is if I piss him off. He chuckles and drops me "are you sure she's worth it Harrington?" He looks at Ezra and clears his throat "because she really is fucking stupid" with that he turns around and kicks me in the head.

When I wake up I'm in the living room "babe" Ezra's voice brought me out of my haze, I look up and he's next to me. We're both cuffed, him to the radiator and me to the staircase railing "Anna" "hmm?" "Do you still have it?" I nod my head 'yes' and he smiles "Harry and your brother just left, hurry though I don't know where they went" When Ezra kissed me he put a hair pin in my mouth, luckily it's still there underneath my tongue. I move the pin with my teeth and carefully place it in my right hand "that's my girl, easy does it" Ezra praises. Just a couple twists with the pin and my cuff pops open.

(Harry's POV)

I have to admit killing Zayn sucked, it wasn't fun. But it was worse finding out he was against me this entire time, that he was the one that helped Anna leave me. What was I suppose to do, I couldn't let him live. I can't risk Anna leaving me again. And now that Ben is alive I'll have to take care of that too "do you think she'll go back to him?" I ask Liam, he looks at me and shakes his head "no I don't, not now that Ezra's back in her life" "and she won't stay?" Liam chuckles "no mate she's long gone the first chance she gets... she hates all of us especially me" I nod in agreement and continue driving. "You want to tell us where we're going lad?" Louis asks me from the backseat "well the way I figure, if Ben is still alive he knows we're in London. So we are going to the airport to give him a nice little welcome"

Pulling up to the airport I tell everyone what to do, Ben doesn't know Louis or Niall so I'm going to use them as an advantage. Once me or Liam spot him Niall and Louis will approach him "it's a fool proof plan" I tell them and everyone proceeds to get out of my Range Rover and head inside "you coming Harry?" Louis asks "yeah, I'm coming" I get out of my car and follow the lads inside. "So once we find him what do we tell him?" I smirk "ah Liam that's the beautiful part... We tell him everything, he'll go with us willingly" Liam laughs at my answer and we continue to look for Ben.

It's been over two hours and there is still no sign of Ben, but I'm determined to find him. I have Louis standing by the entrance, Niall is standing by the men's bathrooms, I'm sitting by the gate that comes here from New York, and Liam is by the gate that's leaving here to go to New York. There is no way he could have gotten past us. Liam walks by me and bumps my shoulder "eh-" I'm about to fight with him but he points to something and I stop myself... Not something really, someone. Ben.

(Louis POV)

My cell starts to ring and it's harry "yeah?" "We found him, by the gate into London" I smirk "alright I'm on my way" I literally run to the damn gate. I can't believe we actually found him, this is going to be interesting. Anyone that survives Harry has to be fucking invincible. I can't wait to test that theory. When I get to the gate I see Harry and Liam talking to someone... That must be Ben. Hmmm, well Bella really upgraded from Harry "Louis" Liam calls me over "yeeess?" I answer him smiling "call Niall will you, tell him to bring the car around. Ben is just dying to see my sister" I nod and pull out my phone.

That was easier than I thought, Ben came willingly, we found him after only two hours, and Harry didn't kill anyone in the process. It's a win win situation. The entire ride back to the flat was spent listening to Ben ask questions and Harry not responding, then it quickly escalated to Ben cussing Harry out repeatedly. Which was pretty funny, I'm not going to lie. Harry didn't do anything though... That was really weird. When we pull up to the flat Liam tells me to bring Ben inside so Harry and him can get Anna. "Is he always this quiet?" Ben asks me "only when he's really really pissed" I laugh "last time he was quiet was after Anna left" out of nowhere Harry and Liasm come running out of the flat "SHE'S GONE!!" Liam screams "gone? What the fuck do you mean gone" Harry glares at me "he means Anna is FUCKING GONE! Ezra that fuck I'm going to kill him when I find them" I look over at Ben and he's smiling.

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