Chapter Thirty Six - Story of my Life

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Five months later...

Anna's POV

He doesn't let me call Ezra anymore, I haven't talked to anyone but him in five months. No Niall or Liam, I'm thankful Liam has left me alone but I was actually starting to enjoy Niall's company. He would come and make me laugh after a 'rough' day or sit with me at night until I fell asleep. Not anymore now I'm all alone... well me and this little bundle of baby growing inside of me. I run my hand over my now large baby bump and smile. If it wasn't for the baby I would have gone insane a long time ago. I almost lost it one night, I screamed at Harry and cursed at him, silently praying he would kill me. I didn't want to live anymore not like this, but thankfully Harry had some self control left and stopped himself before things went too far. Recently Harry moved me out of the cellar and into his bedroom, told me 'your getting too pale' he built me a window seat and bought some pillows for me to be more comfortable. I was so happy that day I think I managed to jump a little. I'll tell you being pregnant is a lot of work, especially when the only thing huge on your body is a protruding stomach. I look like an alien all skin and bones until you see my stomach. Most times I'll tease the baby and tell her 'your turning mum into an alien' oh yeah, by the way we found out it is a girl. Harry took me to a dr. last week because he thought I was going into labor even though I told him over and over again that it was just a kick. The dr. came in and did a sonogram of my belly and I could see her on the little screen, I even got a picture. It was an amazing experience, Harry even cracked a smile. Then things got serious when he asked the dr. to do a DNA test and run it against Harry's. I am not looking forward to those results coming in, I know Harry will flip. I told him the baby is Ezra's but he just doesn't want to believe me. Honestly I don't blame him, he's wanted a baby for a long time and now that I'm pregnant it isn't his, every time he looks at me I can see a little bit of heartbreak. He wont admit it but I know it's there and I feel horrible about it, don't know why he's broken my heart many times over, so much so that my chest aches whenever I'm around him. I turn over in my window seat so I can glance at outside, that's when I see Harry's black Range Rover rolling up the driveway. My heartbeat quicken when he gets out of the car with a letter in his hand... the test results are back already?

I hear heavy foot steps coming up the stairs and I know it's Harry. For someone as tall and skinny as he is he really does walk loud. The door opens and he comes in "test results are back" he shuts the door and my insides tremble, he walks over to me and lifts my legs up so he's sitting underneath them "I didn't open them yet, I wanted to read them with you" his tongue pokes out and licks his lips while he's opening the envelope, I let out a giggle when he can't get it "let me?" I ask and he hands it over. I easily pop open the envelope and hand the results back to him. Harry's eyes scan the paper and it's back, he puts it down and looks at me. His hand comes up and he places it on my belly, he mumbles something I couldn't hear "what?" He looks up at me and smiles "it's mine, she's my baby" "w-what?" He nods "DNA matches mine, holy shit" he laughs "and I though I'd have to get rid of it, good thing I didn't do that" he shakes his head and stands up, running a hand through his mop of curls. He takes my hands and stands me up "how?" He shrugs "according to this your further along than we thought, your about seven months" he touches my belly again and pulls me into a hug. At first I'm too shocked to do anything, let alone hug him back, but then "it's our second chance" he whispers in my ear. I rest my head on his chest and sigh "you have to stop hurting me before we start talking about second chances Harry" he steps anyway from me and puts his hands on my shoulders "I'll stop" his face moves closer to mine "I promise" I don't say anything because he's promised me that a million times. "Anna" he whispers my name and starts to move closer to me, I place my hands on his chest "please dont" I beg "your the mother of my child and I can't kiss you" he seethes at me, the grip he has on my shoulders getting tighter "no" his eyes go black but, surprisingly, he doesn't hit me. He let's go of my shoulders and leaves the room.

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