Chapter Thirty Five - Bottle of Scotch

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Perrie's POV

I ended up going to bed before anyone else, partly because I'm tired, but really because I'm nervous about Sharing a bed with Zayn. Yeah we've already slept together but that was one time, I'm not sure if he likes me or not. It could have been a one time thing, we both had had a little too much to drink that night. Anna says he likes me and I want so bad to believe her. I change into my pajamas and pull the covers down, getting into the bed. What side do I lay on? What side does he like? "Fuck..." the door opens and Zayn steps inside "you alright Perr?" He asks me "yeah just tired" he nods "good me too roomie" I giggle "sorry we have to share a bed, Anna wanted to bunk with Lou" "I don't mind... is that what's wrong? You thought I would mind" "well I just- yes I did, I didn't know if that was like a one time thing because we were drunk-" and then all my questions were answered, Zayn got into bed and kissed me.

Anna's POV

Dylan and Joe fell asleep on the couch and now I'm just waiting for Louis to go to bed. As soon as he does I'm out of here, I don't want to wait another minute to get to Ezra. I just have to find that phone. When Louis' head falls I know he's out like a light, I slowly get up and go into his jacket pocket, looking for the phone. Bingo! "Put it back Anna" I jump and the phone slips out of my hand "don't do this" Louis pleads "I have to, I love him" "we can find another way" I roll my eyes "no there isn't, this is the only way and I'm doing it!" I whisper yell "Anna-" "let me go, please" he sighs and wraps me in a hug "I swear if he kills you..." I smile and look up at him "I'll come back to haunt you, I promise" he laughs and let's go of me. "just so you know Zayn is going to murder me" "no he won't I already wrote a note and put it in his luggage, he'll get it in the morning" he nods and opens the door for me "bye Anna" "bye Louis" I wave goodbye and start heading down the street.

I literally run down the street, who knows when or if Louis will change his mind about letting me do this. I find a caffe that's still open an take a seat inside "anything for you dear?" A nice French woman asks me "erm a cup of tea please" she nods "any preferences" "no anything that's hot will do" she smiles and walks away. I take out the cell phone from my pocket and hit the only number in contacts. It only takes three rings before I hear Harry's voice "to tell you the truth I didn't think you'd actually call sweetheart" he chuckles "glad you did though... ahh Paris, well that's nice" "how did you-" he cuts me off "tracker in the phone, as soon as you turned it on I got an alarm... so are you calling because your going to give me what I want or are you calling because you want to hear me kill your baby daddy?" "No! No I'll give you what you want let him go" the waitress comes back with my tea and I silently thank her and take a sip "where do you want me to meet you?" I ask him but he doesn't give me the answer I was expecting "the waitress just took care of that" I drop the phone and the tea cup, shattering both of them on the tiled floor. I'm next to hit the floor once my muscles can no longer move. The waitress comes over and grabs me, putting a black cloth bag over my head...

I wake up and my head is still covered, I move my hands and realize they aren't tied, neither are my legs. Well that's a good sign. I reach up to untie the bag around my head and when I take it off Harry is sitting in front of me smiling. A chill goes up my spine when he starts to chuckle. "figured you could untie yourself" he gets up and takes the bag out of my hands "Ezra surprised me yesterday when you came here, see I thought he'd be upset at me but, no" he bends down and whispers in my ear "he was upset with you" my eyes start to sting from holding in the tears that are threatening to spill, but I don't want to cry in front of Harry, I can't give him that satisfaction. "So if he hates me now, that's good for you right? You finally have me all to yourself" I look into his eyes and I swear I saw shock go through them "you've never said anything more right in your entire life" he takes my wrists in one hand and stands me up, taking me into the next room, and opening the door. "Go ahead in" he let's go of my wrists "when I hear screaming I'll come back" my heart pounded as I walked into the room, I know Ezra would never hurt me but I also know he is definitely going to be upset with me. My hands shook as I switched on the light, I fall to my knees when I see Ezra - lying on the floor, beaten, and unconscious. I crawl over to him and lay my head on his chest, I can't contain the tears anymore and they spill out all over his shirt. I stay like that for a while until I feel his hand come up and rub my back. I jump up and see that he's awake "Ezra!" I cry with excitement "why are you doing this? Anna go back" I shake my head no "I'm not leaving you here, I already made a deal with Harry" his breathing gets hard and he starts to cough "calm down, please" I rub his head, he moves out of my touch and looks at me "how could you do this? Give up our baby for me!" "I love you-" "I love you too and that's why you need to leave!" He sits up to the best of his ability "do you really think Harry is going to keep your deal? Anna it takes nine months for a baby to fully develop, what did you think that Harry was going to let you leave for nine months then come back once the baby is born" he holds on to a nearby chair and stands up "he's going to lock you up here!" The door opens and Harry walks in "awwww you figured it ouut" Harry fakes a whine and laughs "Harry don't do this, I'll stay. let Anna leave" Ezra tries to plead with Harry but I know it isn't going to work "your a funny guy Harrington, you know if you didn't fuck my fiancé I think we'd actually be great friends" Harry bends down next me "however, you did and I hate both of you... so I'll keep Anna for nine months and then I'll give her back-" "fuck that! That's not happening" Ezra yells "I'll do it" I say and both men look at me "Anna-" "let her speak" Harry says and moves next to Ezra "I'll stay with you until the baby comes, but once that happens I go back with Ezra and you leave us alone" Harry claps his hands together and smirks "well then, it's settled" he walks over to the door and screams for Liam "get him out of here" I can't look at Ezra as Liam drags him out of my sight and out of the room "ANNA! DONT DO THIS!! ANNA!! PLEASE-" the next thing I know the door slams shut and my head slams against the floor.

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