Chapter 5 (Going To The Hospital)

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-Donnie's View-


Donnie sighs in relief.

Now that Zak is gone he feels his chest loosen and finds it easier to breathe.

His gaze falls on the sight of Mikey, there is distress in his multicolor eyes while he witnesses him struggling to get up off the sidewalk.

"Mikey, are you okay?" Donnie asks in a solicitous voice.

Mikey wraps his arm around his left shoulder.
Donnie lays eye contact on the buff guy that kicked the butt of Zak as he walks over to Mikey's right side.

The two teenage boys help Mikey to stand.

"Aside from having a headache I think I'm alright... ow!" The injured teen replies.

He cries out in pain as the sun peaks out from behind the clouds and pour sunshine down on him from above.

Donnie catches a glimpse of concern written on the red haired guy's face out of the corner of his vision, it doesn't cross his mind as he inspects Mikey's eyes.

He can tell the black circles in the middle of Mikey's irises have doubled in size.
Donnie automatically knows it's one of the side effects of a concussion.

"His pupils are dilated, I think he has a concussion. We need to take him to the hospital!" Donnie states in an urgent manner.

The guy on Mikey's right side gives him a solemn nod before they both carry Mikey down the paved path.

The two teenagers pause in their walking pace after a low moan escapes from Mikey's throat.

Before either one of the boys could say something Mikey picks up his head.

"Dudes why does it look like the world is spinning?" He questions out of confusion.

Donnie looks to his left where he views the dude on the other side frowning.
They both exchange looks of empathy which Donnie is caught off guard by.

'I wonder why he is showing concern.'

'Maybe there's more to him than I thought.'

"Hang in there Mike." The boy who hasn't given his name says to encourage the disoriented teen.

They continue to walk down the path until they get to the end of it.
Donnie turns his head back and forth.
Both directions seem to go all the way down to a curb which twists down another street.

"The hospital is four streets down from here." Donnie announces.

A light bulb goes off in Donnie's brain.

'If I call a taxi we'll get there faster than we would on foot...'

'Of course we will have to wait for one to show up but it could be worth a try.' Donnie thinks in his brain.

"Taxi!, Taxi!" Donnie exclaims.

He waves his unused arm out in front of him to the street.

Within a couple of minutes a taxi cab pulls over to them on the road.

Donnie grasps the side door closest to him on his left and oscillates it in a millisecond before the driver can ask them anything.

Then he crawls to the other side of the car and outstretches his arms as his benign nature has him being tender in aiding the ginger haired guy to get Mikey in the back seat.

"What are you kids doin' out of school-" The man in the driver's seat to about to question until Donnie has him falling short in his words.

"Please sir this is an emergency you need to take us to the hospital, my friend here he needs medical attention."

  -How It All Began- Book 1 (TMNT 2012 Human A U)  Where stories live. Discover now