Chapter 13 (Hangout)

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     I'm guessing all of you are aware of the hiatus on the story and I apologize for taking this long to get into the story.

I was stuck with what to write for months but now I have figured it out.

I have no idea when the next chapter will be out after this one but when I have written it I'll edit and post it on here.

~Donnie's View~

Donnie notices Leo is keeping his distance from him, walking at a much slower pace and lowers his head every time individuals pass.

Almost like he has to avoid being seen by anyone.

"You know you can come closer, I don't bite." The brunette states, adding a bit of humor to his words whilst he glances over his shoulder to glance at his acquaintance.

"Yeah, sorry." Leo is quick to catch up with Donnie, his shoulders tense while he focuses more on the movement of his feet.

The young intellectual wonders why he did apologize, it's not like he did anything offensive.

He cocks his head and sees the quiet boy dart his gaze from side to side.

"You have been acting rather peculiar since we left school is there something wrong?"

"No, it's just there are dangerous people in the city and you can never be too careful if someone sneaks on you." Leo is swift to respond as he meets Donnies' gaze.

A repetitive knock disrupts Donnie from saying more.

He takes a glimpse to his right where Mikey is seen waving to him from inside a huge glass window.

The boy genius gazes at Leo before gesturing his thumb in the direction of the front door to the pizzeria.

"Let's go inside, Mikey is already waiting for us." He expresses strolling towards a see through door.

Donatello is casual in his walk inside the building and stands at the back of the line.

He turns around to face Leo who is a couple paces behind him, Donnie inspects his stiff posture and can tell he is quite anxious.

"Why don't you go sit with Mikey while I order the pizza?" Donnie proposes giving Leo a benevolent smile.

"Right." The gawky boy replied in a restrained voice, darting to the left as he began his ungainly stride to a set up of tables against the front window display.

Donnie peeks at Leo.

He can't place his finger on it but there is something about this shy and gauche teenager that gives him a sense of familiarity, almost like he has seen him before.

It could be because the kid happens to have the same name as his deceased brother.

Tears form in the intellectual teenagers' mahogany eyes looking back on the day he lost his oldest sibling and fights to hold them back.

He manages to quickly regain his composure and shifts his focus on the short line of people ahead of him.

When it's his time to order he does so making to sure to speak up loud enough to be heard.

After he is done he twists to his right and spots Mikey sitting in a corner with Leo as he heads over to them.

"Alright the pizza will be ready in fifteen to twenty minutes." Donnie informs taking his seat across the table from his friends.

"Did you order mushrooms with triple pepperoni?!" Mikey asks with excitement in his voice, he leans on the tabletop while he looks at Donnie.

"No just pepperoni."

  -How It All Began- Book 1 (TMNT 2012 Human A U)  Where stories live. Discover now