Chapter 9 (Actions Have Consequences)

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The slow monotonous beeping of a heart monitor echoes off the walls of a small secluded room.
On the screen it reveals the heart rate of a young boy no older than fifteen years old.

He is laying on a bed, a blanket covers him from his chest on down.

His whole body is still and motionless except for the slow rising of his chest.

Then he stirs awake.

His eyes flutter open exposing the deep blue color in them.

"Where... Am I?" His breaths coming in heavy gasps.

He gets up to a sitting position as a repetitive noise hums in the background.

This catches his attention while he cocks his head to the left and views a black screen with green lines tracing up and down in a vertical fashion.

His gaze turns to an I.V. bag shrug up on a thin metal pole, he follows a long plastic tube which is attached to the end of it.

It leads down to his hand as a needle is taped to the back of it.

He shivers, feeling his bare skin come in contact with the chilly air through the room he's in.

Immediately he senses something is missing  before shifting to look down at himself.

He sees that he isn't wearing a shirt showing visible burn scars across most of his upper body.
There are dark patches of pink skin scattered on his torso and shoulders which are noticeable even through all the build up of torment and abuse he has experienced over the years.

"You are home."

The teenagers' face turns as white as a ghost, his medium blue hues grow wide while he looks up only to be meet face to face with a dark brooding figure.

"What happened?" He rasps, hiding the fear in his voice.

"You were absent this morning so I sent Bradford to find you, he has already informed me that you had another one of your episodes." The deep husky voice of a man responds with a tone of displeasure, he strides towards the boy while staring at him with stony eyes.

"You are lucky he found you otherwise you would be dead."

His breath is caught in his throat as a lump merges in it, the deathly pale teen does his best not to show the uneasiness rising in the pit of his stomach.

He swallows hard on the lump in his throat and draws in a shaky breath to compose himself.

"Master, I'm really sorry for missing our morning training session but if you would allow me to-"

"I don't need to hear another one of your petty apologies!"

A well built man stands at the end of the bed, the light on the ceiling illuminates his features which are hidden by heavy armour consisting of a metal chestplate, shoulder pads, gauntlets and even a steel helmet concealing his identity.

The heart of the poor boy almost leaps out of his chest but he doesn't flinch at the mans' harsh words.

He is used to being yelled at several times in his life.

"Sorry- I mean yes master." Is his immediate reply, though part of him anticipated for his master to scold him again.

"Where did you get this?" The man asks in a cold manner, he throws a shabby backpack on the bed in front of him.

His servant let a out a breath in relief.

"I went out to look for the Hamatos and was about to head back when I found one of them but he ran away before could catch him." He responds lowering his head in shame not daring to look his master in the eye.

  -How It All Began- Book 1 (TMNT 2012 Human A U)  Where stories live. Discover now