Chapter 11 (Meeting Mikey)

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~Leo's View~

Leo staggers across a desolate hallway on the third floor of his masters' lair.

There are fresh cuts and bruises underneath his black tattered clothes which are invisible to the naked eye.

He has just endured yet another drastic punishment after he failed to please Saki during his early morning training exercise.

Not that it matters how much he tries in the end Shredder always finds something to criticize him for and it most often results in him coming out with more impairment than when he started.

The injured teen is barely able to make it over to the door of his bedroom without collapsing to the floor.

He leans on it and reaches with one of his less damaged arms to grasp the handle.

A shiver crawls up his spine at the icy touch of cold metal but he ignores it.

Some days the injuries he receives are so severe he cannot stand on his own without someone supporting him.

Those are the worst because no one comes to help and it leaves him with no choice but to drag himself until he can't no more.

Leo is relieved that today is not one of them, he REALLY doesn't want to relive those times at least not on his first day of school.

Once he opens the door his body falls onto the hard ground below.

A sickening pop disrupts the dead silence.

Leo hisses in agony as his left shoulder comes in contact with the floor.

He can feel it connect with his shoulder blade as it causes excruciating pain which travels throughout his whole arm.

The weary boy clenches his jaw and immediately holds his shoulder.

He grunts and attempts to stand.

Every muscle in his body aches while a stabbing pain explodes on his left calf, it shakes out of weakness under the weight he puts a onto it.

Leo manages to get up and uses what little strength he has along with the combination of his will to walk.

He twists to his right and favors his right leg as he limps towards another door.

It is ajar, Leo hobbles to the other side where he enters into a small bathroom.

He proceeds forward a few paces until he stops at a sink built into the wall.

A feeble hand grips the ceramic rim as Leo hovers over it, he lifts his elbow and puts it in place of his hand before he removes it.

He extends it out to the right of the mirror attached to the wall above the sink and opens a cabinet inside of it.

Leo takes out a white first aid kit and a tiny cylinder shaped container of pain killers.

The receptacle slips out of his hand and crashes on the smooth flooring.

He flinches at the sound before letting out a low groan.

Leo turns around that's when his foot steps on the medicine bottle and looses his footing.

He spreads out his right arm to break the fall only for the elbow to impact against one of the hard tiles on the floor.

A sharp pang quickly follows making him put his teeth together as he sucks air in through them.

'Great job Leo way to hurt yourself, as if you haven't suffered enough.'

Leo pushes himself to a sitting position while being careful not to use his left arm.

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