Update + Chapter 10 (Memories Of The Past)

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Okay before I begin the next chap. I want to tell you guys something...

In case any of you didn't notice I've been posting new updates from this story on Saturdays.
I originally planned on doing it in the period of every other week, the reason for it is because I am also working on another story.
I was going back and forth between both stories but it didn't always work out.

Anyways I just want to let you know I will not be putting out chapters on Saturdays starting after this week.
Instead I'm going to be doing it every second Sunday of the week unless I don't finish writing the chapters or something comes up in my everyday life.

Oh and just a heads up this chapter will be loooong, it is the longest one I've written so far.
That is all I want to say so I'm going to write now.

-Raph's View-

Raph enters the restaurant, the pleasant aroma of oven baked pizza wafts in his nostrils making his mouth water.

He scans his surroundings, to his left random pedestrians sit at a couple small tables.
They are lined up next to a wide glass window, it takes up most of the wall as a wrap around counter is placed a few yards ahead of him.

Antonio's in a rather popular joint, convenient for anyone who goes there to get a bite to eat or just to hang out.

Raph grows anxious at the line of people before him, he never was comfortable around strangers.

He eyes an empty table in the left hand corner while looking for somewhere to go that isn't crowded by people.

"I'll be over here." He says before walking away.

The runaway fifteen year old sat in a corner booth, he seems to be in a trance as he stares blankly out the window.

He watches a little girl break free amongst the sea of people overlooking a display of jewelry across the street.

She falls on the sidewalk and begins to cry as she calls out for her parents.

Within seconds a man and a woman run to her and comfort her.

Raph can't remember the last time he was happy, it has been so long he forgot what it feels like to have a family of his own who cares for him.

He always had a longing to be loved and appreciated but never got the chance to experience it.

The red head frowns as he watches the family of three walk together down the street.
It reminds him of his brothers and father who he hasn't seen in over a decade.

"Helloooo earth to Raph."

Raph is drawn back to reality as a hand waves in his face.

He lays eyes on Mikey who is sitting in the seat across from him.

"What were ya doing?" The blonde haired teen asks, a curious look is in his baby blue eyes before he continues.

"Dude you were totally out of it, I was trying to get your attention for like ten minutes."

"Oh sorry I was just thinking." Raph says, heat rises in his cheeks and starts to feel embarrassed for looking like a complete idiot in front of his friends and decides to start a conversation.

"So, when do we eat?"

"The guy at the corner said it will be twenty minutes before the pizza is ready." Donnie replies.

  -How It All Began- Book 1 (TMNT 2012 Human A U)  Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon