Part 5

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Chapter 4

After Mia and I had our breakfast/lunch, I got ready for work, my mind bouncing around with images of Branson. It was like he was one of those popular songs that played in my head over and over. I brushed my teeth, attempted to braid my hair and gave up. Instead, I curled it really fast and hair sprayed the heck out of it. When I was finished, I bounced down the stairs and came into the kitchen to say goodbye to my mom. She was sorting stacks of paper, or something like that. I don’t know what she was doing, but that’s what it looked like to me.

“Hey, sweetie, off to work?” she asked, and I got a glimpse of her papers. They were flyers for different events our church hosts. There are other people who can do stuff like that for her at our church, but she likes to keep busy.

“Yeah, I’m heading out right now. Are you doing anything special today?” I leaned and kissed her cheek. My mom shoved her papers in a neat little pile.

“No, just organizing this stuff. My big ladies meeting is coming up on Friday. Are you and Mia planning on being there?” she asked. I knew she really, really wanted me to go. Mom’s meetings are great and all, but they are more geared toward 50-year-olds. I usually go anyways just to support her. Mia only goes because she gets a break from her crazy kids.

“We are both planning on it. We talked about it earlier at lunch.” I gave my mom one final kiss and headed out the door. I drove to work with my worship music blasting. I love worship music. I’ve even written a couple songs that I kept buried on my computer. I don’t really want to be on the worship team. I pulled into the parking lot of Little Bit of Everything and headed inside.

I punched in and waved to another employee as she got ready to go. We usually don’t have more than one person at a time that works here. It’s odd I know, but it’s a tiny craft store. Most of the time, I just stand there waiting for customers to come in. I straighten the store, but then after that there’s usually nothing to do.

I started pulling things forward and making sure we had our stuff in stock. Once in awhile, I pulled from the back when I was working, but for the most part that’s the previous girl’s job to do that. After a couple hours of straightening, I headed back toward the counter to just wait for people. The store looked really good already.

This was the point where my mind would start churning about crap. I’d start thinking about my family, my church, and my lack of a husband. It got on my nerves. I’d rather be busy doing something than be thinking about that kind of stuff. The door dinged and in walked Jacob Whitmen. Jacob hates crafts. Why the heck was he here except to bother me? I put on my good girl Christian face. I really try not to bite his head off, but it’s hard sometimes. He came right up to the counter and smiled at me.

“Hi Zoe-Poey.”

Ah! Can’t this guy just call me by my name? Zoe. It’s not that hard!

“Hi, Jacob,” I said and really wished some random child would knock over a stack of cans, so I could excuse myself from this conversation.

“You busy after work today?” he asked and put his arms on the counter to look sexy maybe? I raised an eyebrow at him.

“I don’t get out until ten. I’m going to be exhausted after work.”

“Oh, okay. I just figured maybe we could grab an ice-cream or a coffee after you got out.” He gave me one of his famous greasy smiles.

“Thanks, but I think I’ll pass this time,” I said and nodded to him. I slipped out from behind the counter to go to the back to do something. Really I was just hiding from him, but he didn’t need to know that. I got a glimpse of his face as I practically ran. It was mean of me I know. I’m sorry! I just can’t stand to be around him sometimes. He’s so pushy! I feel like he’s trying to shove a wedding ring on my finger, and I’m just standing there screaming, “NOOOO!” at his face. He doesn’t take the hint that I’m not interested in him! Period!

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