Part 23

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Chapter 23

I walked into the café and sat down at the same table me and Branson always went to. A few people were chatting over their cups of coffee, the sun shining through the windows, filling the room with extra warmth. I was early again, so I pulled out my notebook and jotted down some fresh ideas for my book. It was getting really close, I could feel it, and it made me excited to know that the ending was around the corner. Branson came walking in a moment later looking distraught, toting Bree in his arms. What was going on? I thought he said he had no kids today. I walked over to him, and he ushered for me to come outside.

“Sorry, Zoe, Rachel and her new boyfriend were fighting, and Rachel called me to come get Bree. I guess things were getting out of control, and he was threatening her.” Branson was shaking with anger. “Can you take her for a second?” He handed Bree over to me. “It took everything within me not to deck that guy. I don’t know what to do. It’s not safe for Bree there. I want to see if I can get full custody of her unless Rachel decides to dump that loser.”

Bree started playing with the necklace I’d worn, sticking it in her mouth and chewing on it. Her eyes shone with little tears. Aw. She’d been crying.

“He didn’t hurt Bree, did he?”

“I don’t know!” Branson snapped. “I just ran out of there as fast as I could before I killed that guy! I was afraid I’d actually kill him.” His chest rose up and down with anger, his eyes so dark they scared me. He turned away from me, letting out a short breath. “I’m sorry; sometimes my past kicks me in the face. I don’t know what to do. I called Pastor Dom, and he’s on his way here.”

“Do you want to go home? We can do coffee a different day?” I asked.

“I’d really like you with me right now, so I don’t go back to Rachel’s and kick the crap out of that guy.” About five minutes later, a black pickup truck pulled into the café parking lot. Pastor Dom got out and walked briskly toward us. Bree was still chewing on my necklace, content and oblivious to the turmoil around her. Branson had sat on a bench and was praying under his breath, his head in his hands. I wasn’t really sure what to do, so I just kept Bree happy. Pastor Dom came and sat down on the bench next to Branson and put his arms around him. They talked in low tones, so I didn’t really hear what they were saying.

“Zo—ey….Zo—ey…” Bree gurgled and slapped my chest lightly with her hands, making my face light up.

“Bree Bree!” I said back to her and blew kisses into her neck. She giggled, and I noticed a mark on her arm that looked concerning. It looked like someone had pinched her hard. I frowned and drew my attention back to Branson; the guy looked like a mess. Pastor Dom was still talking to him, Branson was nodding, his eyes still smoldering with a dark anger. Whoa. I’d never seen a man look that furious before. After twenty minutes, Pastor Dom stood up and came over to me.

“Hi, Zoe, Bree, how are you girls?” he asked with a warm smile.

“Is he okay? I mean, what’s going on?” I shifted Bree in my arms.

“A man from our church is a lawyer, I told him to try and get custody of Bree. If he feels like his daughter is being harmed or the home she’s in is dangerous, he needs to act. I think it’s going to be just fine, he’s cooled down. I’ll see you girls later!” Pastor Dom said and jogged toward his truck. I came over to Branson and sat Bree in his lap. He pulled his little girl close to his chest and kissed her head, clearly still fighting his emotions.

“He’s calling Mr. Donavan for me. I’m going to try and get her in my care completely. I just don’t know what else to do. I don’t know how I’m going to afford daycare for her.” He looked out at the traffic his eyebrows knitting in concern.

“A family in our church does daycare for low budget families. I’m sure they could take Bree,” I said.

“Are you sure that’s wise? Won’t they see me and you together?”

“I don’t care anymore, Branson. Let them think what they want to think. I just want to see Bree safe,” I said and kissed the little girl’s head.

“Thanks, Zoe. Thanks for actually caring about all of this.”

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