Part 32

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Chapter 32

After church, we headed over to my mom and dad’s house with the girls. I could still feel the presence of God all over me, and was thoroughly enjoying it. We got out of the car, unbuckled the kids, and walked into the house.

“Papa!” the twins squealed together as they ran toward my dad. Branson and I weren’t hitched yet, but the girls liked calling my dad that, and he loved it. I’d moved back in with my parents, and I often thought about Mia and prayed for her because Tomas and she had gotten a divorce. She’d moved in with Alison, who preached to her about the grace of God constantly. Mia hadn’t started going to Grace Alive yet, but I knew God was moving on her heart. The girls jumped onto my dad’s lap, and he laughed.

“Hey, little peanuts!” He kissed both their heads and cuddled them against him. It still amazed me when I watched my dad give affection. He’d never shown much to me growing up, and I think he was trying to make up for it.

“Do you want to go for a drive?” Branson asked.

“Right now?” I asked looking around the living room.

“Yeah, right now.” He exchanged a knowing look with my dad, and the corner of my mouth went into a smile. What was going on?

“Its fine, Zoe, we’ll watch the kids,” my dad said as he tickled the little girls. My mom peeked her head out of the kitchen with a grin. Everyone was acting shifty.

“Sure, why not.” We went back outside in the crisp air, and Branson opened the door for me. Wow, maybe he had a little bit of Prince Charming in there. I smiled to myself as he climbed in beside me.


“Where we going?” I asked as he pulled out of my parents’ driveway.

“It’s a secret,” he whispered as we cruised along. We went for several miles, him fidgeting like a preschooler who had to pee, and me trying to figure out what the heck he was doing. We pulled up to the beach, Lake Michigan stretched out before us. These mounds of ice twisted up on the shore like monuments, and it took my breath away for a moment. I’d never been to the beach in the winter before.

“Come on.” Branson opened his door and got out, came to the other side, and grabbed my hand the moment I stepped onto the snow. I barely had time to shut the door before he dragged me to the shore. I was laughing by the time we got near these ice sculpture things the waves had created. Wow! Branson could hardly contain himself. With the wind playing with my hair, the sun barely peeking out from behind the clouds, Branson Tate got down on both knees in front of me. He pulled out a little black box and opened it. Emotions like I’d never felt in my life began to rocket through me. Joy, happiness, completion, extreme love like I’d never felt before was zigzagging through my heart.

“Zoe Grace Reed, will you marry me?” His eyes shimmered with a deep love. At first I was so overwhelmed by the beauty, love, and joy that I didn’t say anything. Then I realized he’d asked me something really important.

“Yes!” I shouted and started jumping up and down and clapping. “Yes! Branson, yes!” I said again and pulled him into my arms. I brought his face to mine and kissed him long and passionately. His arms surrounded me, and he was laughing as I kissed his face off.

“Wow! That was so much easier than I thought!”

“What did you think I’d say, get lost, buddy?” I said with a laugh. I held him back and stared up at his handsome face. He then brought my lips to his again and whispered, “I love you, Zoe. You just made me the happiest man alive.”

We drove back to my parents’ house with me glowing and grinning from ear to ear. I kept staring at the ring Branson got me; it was stunning. It was a marquee cut diamond with tiny diamonds on the side that wrapped all around the band. I can’t believe I was going to be getting married! Ah! I grabbed Branson’s hand and rubbed his knuckles.

“I love you, Branson, do you know that?”

“Yeah, I figured that out, because you said yes,” he said with a laugh, and I lightly hit his arm.

“I could change my mind,” I teased him.

“I think you like that sparkly ring too much!” We pulled back up into my parents’ driveway, and I practically flew out of the car.

“Whoa!” Branson said as he shut the door and hurried after me. I had to show this rock off! I ran inside the house and straight toward my mom.

“Mom!” I yelled and started jumping up and down squealing. She was smiling, apparently this was planned.

“Guess what?” I asked even though I knew she knew what I was going to say.

“What, Zoe?” she asked. My dad and the girls came into the kitchen, their faces full of curiosity.

“I’m getting married! Ah!” I screamed again, and the twins started jumping up and down with me.

“You going to be our mommy, Zoe?” CC asked, attacking my leg with a hug.

“Yeah, I am,” I said breathlessly, rubbing her blonde head. Evie came to my other leg and peered up at me.

“Do you know how to braid hair?”

“I do.”

“Oh good,” Evie said with relief. I giggled as Branson pulled me into a hug, along with Mom, Dad, and three little girls.


Branson and I were planning our wedding in three months! Ah! I was so excited! I went into the kitchen and pulled out my binder since I was trying to be organized with my wedding. My mom smiled and sat across from me.

“Mom, do you want to help me pick out my invites?” I asked her. She nodded, and I scooted a book at her. She poured over the invitations, and I saw tears drip down her cheeks.

“Mom? You okay?” I asked.

“I’m just really happy for you, Zoe. Despite what your father and I did to you, you still followed the voice of God, and I’m really proud of you.” She pointed at a silver and white invitation and nudged the book toward me.

“What about that one, sweetie?” she asked. It was very elegant. Wow, it was perfect! I nodded up and down.

“That was too easy,” I said and laughed. “I think I’ll have them ordered this week.” I pulled out more books, and we started picking out everything I needed. I heard footsteps at the edge of the kitchen and looked up to see Branson standing there. My heart leapt. He was so handsome. So perfect for me.

“Better get in here quick or the rugrats are going to eat your dad.”

I came to Branson and kissed him full on the mouth, pouring my love on him until he had to take a breath. He wrapped me up in his arms and then looked over at my mom.

“PDA, Zoe, babe,” he mumbled through my lips.

“I don’t care, they can get used to me making out with you.”

“Okay, but seriously, those girls are going to eat your dad.” He laughed, held me away from him, and turned me toward the living room. CC and Evie were putting bows in my dad’s hair. I started laughing until tears came to my eyes.

“We better go save him.”

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