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6 – 14

"She's my sister! That's my sister's hand! You can't just take it like that!"

As she lost her balance and tumbled forward, she reached out towards Camilla.

"You can't take the hand of a man like that! You know that his real identity is just that ugly toad swamp! How can anyone call him a good man!?"

The people who watched from the periphery looked at Therese with cold eyes.

After the true identities of Julian and Liselotte had been revealed, both Camilla's ostracization and reputation had been flipped on their head in a matter of moments. Right now, everyone saw Camilla as a sort of tragic heroine, who had been framed as a villain.

Meanwhile, people were keenly aware that Therese had been the source of information for many of Camilla's supposed crimes. In order to isolate and cause Camilla's downfall, Liselotte had used Therese.

The fact that Liselotte and Therese had become so publicly close after Camilla's exile would also become a major point of suspicion against her. Therese was one of Liselotte's accomplices. A key figure in Camilla's tragic wrongful conviction.

All the people in the audience saw was the second of the two villainesses, who had worked so hard to frame Camilla.

"Choose me instead."

But, Therese didn't care about any of that.

A man had suddenly appeared to rescue Camilla, who she was supposed to save herself, and was now going to take her away for good. It was the worst possible turn of events for Therese.

"Don't go back to the swamps. Such a disgusting place, I'm sure that you don't want to return there again either, sister!"


Therese didn't listen to Camilla's words. Like the same little girl who threw tantrums all those years ago, she shook her head as tears streamed down her face.

"Don't leave me, sister..."

It was the first time she had ever seen Therese so truly desperate. Camilla, who never took anyone's hand, had chosen someone else. She didn't care about the hatred in the eyes of those who looked down at her, the only thing she was terrified about was the thought of losing Camilla.

Therese didn't even look at Alois, that odious man who was trying to steal her Camilla away. The only person she stared up at was Camilla herself.

"Please, take my hand. I'll save you, sister. No matter what!"

Therese reached out to her. Compared to Alois', her hand was small and dainty. Hands that couldn't protect anyone.

"Because we're family! I'll hold you close, whenever you need me! No matter how much it hurts, no matter how painful it is, no matter how sad! I'll share it all. All of your sadness! All of your pain!"


As they heard Therese scream that word, Viscount Neumann and his wife raised their heads. Therese, however, didn't notice.

Not caring at all about her appearance, her eyes were red and puffy as she wailed, tears streaking her face. And as she begged, no one took the hand that she reached out.

"Don't abandon me, sister... Please, don't throw me away again... Don't apologize... Don't leave... If I was in your position, I'd never let you go!!"

– Don't abandon me.

Don't apologize. Don't leave. Because we're family.

Sharing the same burdens. The same hardships. Even if they fell into poverty, even if they faced painful days, that was fine.

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