26- Celebrating Ron

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I awoke, twitching, squirming, and whimpering. My sister found her way back to me again.

Draco was next to me, hugging me tightly and whispering comforting words in my ear while combing my hair with his bare fingers. I visibly calmed down after a minute or so. My breath slowed down and I was less tense.

"You know, it's been awhile since I've had a nightmare. I sort of thought I got over it or something," I informed Draco, his plaid pants brushing against my leg as he readjusted in my bed.

"That's a good thing." His raspy voice sent chills through my body.

"Yeah, I guess it is. I just don't want to forget her. With Finn, it feels like he's a replacement or something. She was my best friend growing up. I wish everyday that she was still here."

"You'll never forget her, y/n. No matter how hard you try. She was family. Finn simply can't replace her. Even if the nightmares go away, there's always a piece of her in your heart."

I nodded and flipped over, my back now pressed up against his chest.

"Night, ferret."

"Goodnight, ferret lover."

I grinned and fell asleep, just like that.


Footsteps and whispering.

"Will she be mad?"

"No, Harry. She'll understand just fine. It is Ron's birthday after all.

Door creaking.

"I really don't want to go in there."

"Why is that?"

More footsteps, now growing closer to my bed where Draco and I peacefully slept the night before.

"That's why, Hermione!" Harry's familiar voice sounded.

"Draco? You can't still be afraid of him!"

"I was never scared of Malfoy! He was just an annoying git — he still is. I don't particularly like him and I'm sure he, too, wouldn't be pleased to see Harry Potter standing over him to wake his girlfriend up. It seems like an invasion of privacy being in here."

"I'm sure Malfoy wouldn't be thrilled to see me either, but does it looked like I care, Harry?"

"We're up," I mumbled, putting a stop to the loud bickering that gave me a slight headache unlike the peaceful awakening that Draco would've accomplished if the two hadn't shown up.

"Great, can we go now?"

I growled groggily and sat up, shaking Draco awake as Harry subtly backed out of the room.

"It's Ron's birthday today and he wanted to get a small group of people together at noon. Harry had to turn in late homework this morning so we decided upon stopping by to inform you," Hermione stated.

"Great. Who is all invited?"

"Well — it's a pretty small gathering. He only wanted myself, Harry, and you to meet up at Hogsmeade. We can go to The Three Broomsticks and Honeydukes while we are there."

"Okay, I'll be there as long as I won't be fourth wheeling alongside Harry."

"You can't be serious! There is no bloody way I would ever consider dating Ron. How absurd of you to think such thing. I'm afraid I have to go vomit. I'll see you later."

Blood to Love | 4th yearUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum