beach vacation (chandler)

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you were walking outside to see if you could find chandler when you opened the back door to see rachel and ross kissing before they immediately let go when hearing the back door open. you stepped outside, seeing them as you cleared your throat. 

"hey, guys," you said, trying to not act like you had seen them kissing. "have either of you seen chandler?" you asked, running your fingers through your hair briefly before he and joey came outside from inside the house. 

"hey, what are you guys talking about?" chandler asked as you grabbed his hand and gave him a brief smile as you looked up at him.

"can we go to the beach?" you asked him sweetly, moving closer to him as you ran your fingers up his arm. he smiled, pulling you closer as he nodded. 

"okay," he said as you smiled back up at him, looking over at ross, rachel, and joey as you two made your way out onto the sand path that led to the beach. when you got to the bottom, you could hear joey mentioning something about the two of you practicing strip poker as you rolled your eyes with a small smile.

"_____," chandler began, causing you to turn around and look at him. "i'm not sure doing it on the beach at night is the best idea. i mean, there's sharks and there's, sand," he said, hesitating a bit as you laughed, pulling him closer as you stopped walking. 

"i saw ross and rachel kissing," you told him, looking up at the porch where you could still hear all of the three of them chatting away. 

"what? really?" he asked, still looking down at you. 

you turned to look back at him as you noticed his eyes still on you. 

"what?" you asked, smiling at him.

"nothing," he muttered. "you just look really pretty." 

you smiled up at him still, wrapping your arms around him as you pulled him close to you. 

"what should we do?" you asked as chandler furrowed his brows, holding you close still. 

"tell everyone? i don't," he faded off as you let go to lean back a little and look at him. 

"do we tell monica?" you asked him as you let go of him. you walked a little down the path towards the beach as chandler grabbed your arm to pull you back to him. 

"maybe we could tell whoever we see first. except bonnie," chandler said. "unless we see her first in which case we'd have to tell her."

you nodded, seeing him about to walk off as you pulled him back to you. you pressed your lips to his a little rough before letting go. chandler took a step back as he cleared his throat. 

"or, you know, we could just do that again instead," he began as you laughed, pulling him along with you to the top of the deck where it was now vacant. you and him both walked inside, your hand still holding onto his arm, but he soon moved your hand to fit in between his fingers as you held on still. 

"i saw ross and rachel kissing," you blurted out when you saw joey first. he took a sip of his drink before responding to you. 

"are you asking for me to kiss you, ______? cause you didn't have to ask," he said, chuckling a little as chandler cleared his throat. 

"seriously, dude," he said, pulling you closer to him. joey smiled at the two of you before taking another sip of his drink. when he set it down, he responded to the two of you. 

"so, ross and rachel kissed? are they back together?"

you shrugged. 

"i don't know. all i saw was them kissing. i don't think we should tell anyone else until we figure out if they're-"

"monica, ross and rachel kissed," joey said, seeing monica coming downstairs as she put her hands up to cover her gasping mouth. 

"oh my god! are they back together?" she asked as you hit joey with your hand. 

"hey! you know i'm not good at keeping secrets, ______," he said as you rolled your eyes with a slight smile. 

monica came over to join the group. 

"who saw it?" she asked as you cleared your throat. 

"i did, but i don't know what it means. for all i know, it could just be the beach," you said, feeling chandler's hand tighten on yours. "or maybe they're getting back together, i don't know."

monica looked up as rachel came downstairs. you looked over at her as well before speaking up. 

"um, chandler," you began. "we should go finish looking at that thing you were telling me about outside on the path to the beach," you said, smiling at rachel as you pulled chandler along with you. 

when you both got back outside again, joey had followed the two of you as well. 

"joey, what the hell are you doing?" you asked, looking over at him. "i came out here to be alone with chandler, not to have some sort of weird fantasy you dreamed about."

joey nodded. "oh, sorry. i just thought that's what you meant when you said you had to go show him something on the path."

chandler nodded at his best friend before pulling you with him. 

"we'll see you inside, joey," you said, patting his shoulder before chandler pulled you towards him. the two of you went off down the path as joey smiled to himself. 

"it's always the ones you never suspect," he chuckled as he went back inside to join the rest of the friends. 

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