No More Secrets (Joey)

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(hehe a Chandler imagine is coming soon. highly requested. see you then.)

"Truth is I slept with Monica."

You weren't even in the room, but everyone suddenly felt the pain for you. You were working late tonight which meant that no one would see you for a while.

Rachel frowned. "What about ____?"

Monica and Chandler both made eye contact with Joey as he tried to cover everything up. "Uh, she and I had a dare."

Ross frowned further. "You slept with my sister and cheated on your girlfriend all in one day."

Rachel stepped up as Phoebe helped Ross back across the hallway, into Monica's apartment.

"Joey, I can't believe you. How could you do such a thing to her? She gives you nothing but love and compassion and this is how you treat her. You should be ashamed of yourself."

With that, she was gone.

"I can't believe I said that!" He exclaimed before walking away from Monica and Chandler who just stared at him. "I was under pressure and I don't do well under pressure."

Monica frowned. "Well, now people will be pressuring you to tell her that you cheated on her when you didn't. Good luck, Joey."

Chandler nodded, leaving with Monica as you entered the apartment right before they shut the door.

You took off your coat, setting it angrily down on the pool table with a frown on your lips as you let out a growl of frustration. Joey looked up.

"Everything alright?" He asked cautiously.

You glanced up, the anger in your eyes melting away as you walked towards him, wrapping your arms around him. You pulled him close to you as you began to let out the stressful and angry/hurt tears.

"Hey, what's wrong? What happened? Who hurt you?" Joey asked as you just held onto him.

"People at my work. I overheard them talking. Apparently, I'm not good enough to be working where I am and I'm ungrateful for what I have as well." You told him gently, taking in his scent.

Joey only nodded, holding back onto you as his thoughts of worry faded away into mixed water colors before suddenly remembering them once more upon seeing Rachel outside the door.

She just shook her head before walking off down the stairs that led outside the apartment complex.

Joey let out another sigh as the two of you swayed gently together, before you let go and took a step back.

"Anything exciting happen today?" You asked him, sniffling all the while. He shoved his hands in pockets, shrugging with a confused look on his face.

"Uh, no. Not really. No one has called me for a job yet so I mean, I guess there's that." He responded.

You nodded again, beginning to walk past him and towards his bedroom when the better got ahold of him.

He grabbed your hand, spinning you around to meet his lips against yours abruptly. You easily sunk into the feeling, the taste, everything about it was sweet.

When you let go, you gave him a smile before letting out a sigh. "I think I'm gonna go to bed." You told him gently. He only nodded, it would give him time to fix this mess.

He pressed a lighter kiss to your cheek before sending you off to his bedroom. He waited until you shut the door to exit the apartment and knock on Monica's door.

Chandler answered.

"Thank you so much, man. We really appreciate it." He said, giving Joey a thumbs up as he tried to shut the door but he pulled Chandler out into the hallway.

"My girlfriend had a horrible day at work so I can't tell her today or tomorrow which leaves the next day after those two. I suggest you finally come clean."

Chandler shook his head. "It's going so well. We're figuring out a way to tell everyone- especially Ross considering they're siblings."

Joey shook his head. "No, I need you to-"

"Joey?" You groggily said, opening the door with one of his sweaters on as it came well down past your hands, causing sweater paws to be created.

He turned around from Chandler to look at you. "Yeah?" He asked.

"Can you come?" You asked him, rubbing your eyes sleepily. He turned back around to Chandler briefly to say it wasn't over before entering the apartment once more with you.

You were already laying down on the bed, waiting in the large sweater that you had stolen. Joey stared at you for a minute before finally doing it.

You immediately went to his warmth, holding him close to you while he pressed a light kiss to the top of your head, his mind racing with things that were going on.

He just wished it could be over already.

No more secrets.

part two or no??

treat people with kindness.



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