Afterthoughts (Chandler)

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"Hey, guys! You all made it!" You nearly shrieked at the sight of your friends. You eagerly pulled them all into a hug one by one and when you got to Chandler, you gave him a gentle kiss before stepping back at looking at them all.

"So? What did ya think?" You asked them.

They all smiled, hopefully showing to you it was good. Monica decided to speak up first for the group. You were hoping for good things.

"I actually really enjoyed it. It was very interesting, and the script was well written. The plot twist at the end was perfect. The way you played it out was incredible, too."

You laughed a little. "Thank you so much. I really appreciate it! Do you mind maybe letting me come over for a little bit for some drinks to celebrate?"

Monica nodded. "We have plenty of room, so why not."

You smiled, excusing yourself to go grab your bags from behind the stage and make sure you had everything.


You all took a sip of the champagne in your glasses, Phoebe laughing at the glass. Everyone turned to look at her, while she pointed at the bubbles. "It's bubbly."

You looked towards Chandler who seemed to be staring intently at the table.

"So? How have you been?" You asked him.

"Since our last date? Perfect. Never been better." He answered back, causing you to smile.

"Good to hear. How about we have another date? Doesn't sound too bad, hopefully."

Chandler smiled, clinking his glass with yours. "Of course not."

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