Pardon My English (Chandler/Joey) |part three|

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i'm loving this series so far!


"Hey, Joe. Would you maybe want to come with me and ____ to this fundraiser tonight? Rachel is telling us that we have to go." Chandler said as he entered the apartment.

He looked up from the orange he was eating to look at his best friend. "Uh, who all is going?"

"Monica, Phoebe, me, _____, and Rachel. Ross has some plans, so." Chandler shrugged, opening the fridge to grab a drink.

"Uh, Ross' plans are with me so. Sorry I can't come. Have fun, Chandler." He said before walking into his room and shutting the door.

Chandler just shrugged before walking over to where your shared bedroom was to see you sitting on the mattress.

"Hey, do you have your outfit picked out for tonight?" He asked you, seeing you smile as you motioned for him to come over to you.

"Chandler, is there something up with Joey? He doesn't seem to like me or something."

"Yeah, I've noticed something was up with him but I'm sure he likes you. It might just take some time to get used to your accent, really. Took me a little while to understand some things."

You laughed, pressing your lips to his cheek softly before getting up to leave.

Chandler watched you with a smile.

"I love you."

You paused. "What?"

Sure, you had said that phrase several times but he was too nervous to say it back. He paused, seeing a small smile bloom on your lips.

"Je t'aime, Chandler."

another part or no?

treat people with kindness.


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