Sleepy Argument (Joey)

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The fight between Ross and Rachel had been going on for at least three hours by now, and you were growing tired of waiting to leave but Monica had made it clear that if you all left the room, it would make sense that you're all listening.

Everyone sat on the bed in a different position. You had resorted to sitting in between Chandler and Joey, which was a mistake because you constantly nodded off on either of their shoulders and they had to wake you up.

"My god, you won't stop sleeping will you." Chandler asked as he shook your head awake and off his shoulder, most importantly. You rolled your eyes, letting out a sigh.

"Fine. I'll just sleep on Joey's shoulder then. I know he won't mind." You told him, watching Chandler chuckle. "Well, I'd hope he's okay with it seeing as he's your boyfriend."

You let out another sigh, playfully hitting Chandler before laying your head down on Joey's shoulder as Monica stared at the two of you.

"How did you guys work out?" She asked, clamping her hand over her mouth after the words left her. You just chuckled, sitting up and grabbing his hand in yours.

"Uh, I'm not sure. I just know we did and now, innocent, little Chandler has to handle it."

He rolled his eyes. "Oh, come on. It's pretty bad. You two need to really soundproof the walls in Joey's bedroom."

Monica and Phoebe both looked at each other before turning back to see you nodding off again, laying your head on Joey's shoulder and he gratefully accepted it.

"See, Chandler? Is it that hard to let the girl sleep?" He asked, trying not to wake you up with any of the slightest movements he did.

"She's your girlfriend. You're used to having someone constantly sleeping on your shoulder."

He laughed. "It's comforting."

Monica laughed along with him while Phoebe spoke up. "I think they stopped. It's been quiet for a long time."

Chandler peeked out the door to see Rachel asleep on the couch as he motioned everyone to go out with him. "Alright, lets go. But quietly."

Joey nodded, slipping his shoes back on his feet and picking up a tired you. "Mm." You muttered in your sleep, smiling a little as your hand found some of his shirt. You grabbed it lightly, holding it in your hand tightly.

"Alright, lovebirds. Get out of my apartment." Monica whispered towards the door as she looked at you.

"You better take care of her Joey."

"I will."

With that, the door shut as a smiling, bubbly Joey held a sleepy, loving you to his chest.

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