Sly & Secretive (Chandler)

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<<<no it's not the long awaited one, i have a draft for that hahaha>>>

Central Perk wasn't too busy at this hour as you walked inside limply with a frown on your lips, seeing all your friends laughing and chatting away at their location of seating.

Monica was the first to notice you come in.

"Hey, _____. How's it going?"

"It's fine." You snapped, sitting down and groaning out of unpleasantness and being uncomfortable from what happened earlier.

"Hey, is everything alright?"

You shook your head, looking down at your pants with a deep frown. "No, Ross tried to make a move on me."

"How did this happen?" Joey asked you, sitting up and leaning forwards into the conversation that was currently going on.

"Well, I was sitting with him in his apartment as we were talking about trying to plan a birthday party for Chandler and he suddenly just goes,"

"I deserve you more than that rascal ever did."

Monica, Joey, Rachel, and Phoebe all gasped, looking at you. You tried to keep the tears from coming because it made you so uncomfortable with what happened next and you never thought Ross would do something like this in a million years.

"And then," You continued. "He put his hands around my-"

"Ross, what the hell are you doing?" You asked, standing up from the couch as he just gave you a smile.

"Come on, ____. The sex could be so much better with me and I would totally treat you better."

You frowned, a deep frown.

Monica rubbed your back. "Sweetie, do I need to beat up my brother because trust me, I will."

You shook your head. "No, I just don't know how I'm going to tell Chandler."

Joey came closer. "____, just tell him exactly what happened. It wasn't your fault and you got out of there while you could."

You nodded, staring at your jeans. "Are you sure he won't be mad at me?"

Phoebe looked astonished as Rachel spoke for her. "Why would he be mad, honey? You did what you had to do to get out of there and Ross made the move on you."

You nodded. "You're right. Thanks, guys."
"Honey, you're home!" Chandler announced happily, doing some jazz hands as you smiled softly, pressing a gentle kiss to his cheek before moving to his lips.

Finally, you pulled him into a hold of yours.

"Chandler, I have to tell you something and it's not going to be pleasant for either of us but you deserve to know what's happened."

He looked down at the you, getting slightly tense as he waited for you to say something.

"Ross made a move on me today."

Chandler let go immediately. "What?"

You nodded, staring up at him with tears in your eyes. "I can't keep that from you. I got out of there and stopped something from happening but he made a move on me."

Chandler looked towards the ground with a frustrated and confused stare before looking back up.

"I'm talking to him."

You continued to look at him.

Slowly, he walked over to you and pressed his lips to yours as you sunk into the feeling easily. When he let go, he gave you a smile before walking over to Monica's place.

You followed.

"Ross Geller." He announced.

Everyone turned to look at Chandler, everyone knowing except Ross. They all knew why Chandler was here.

"Chandler Bing."

He crossed his arms. "Answer me this. Is it true you don't have a current partner?"

"I mean, yeah, but-"

Chandler stopped him. "Just answer the questions."

He took a seat in a chair, waiting for Chandler to continue speaking.

"Is it true, you feel lonely?"

He nodded, slowly however.

"Is it true that you want someone so badly that you can't have so you decided to make a move on them anyways? Expecting the person not to tell anyone?"

Ross looked up at Chandler who was so angry, you could see the hurt in his eyes.


"So, is it true that you made a move on my girlfriend?"

Ross felt sick to his stomach. He never should of done anything, he knew you would say something. But why wouldn't you?

It was the honest thing to do.

"Chandler, look, I'm so sorry-"

He put his hand out, stopping Ross from coming any closer. "No."

You walked in further to the room, Chandler stopping you near the entrance.

"Wait, ____."

You looked up at him, a smile on your face. "You're one brave soul, Chandler Bing. I love you a lot, you know. And you know I would never leave you right?"

He nodded, pressing a kiss to your forehead before leaving Ross and the rest of the gang, you included.

"I didn't know Chandler would be so quick to know." Ross grumbled out.

You looked him dead in the eye. "He's my boyfriend, Ross. You can't make a move on a pregnant woman and expect her not to tell her boyfriend."

Monica stopped you.

"Pregnant woman?"

Sudden realization hit you. "Uh, yeah, I was going to tell everyone later but hi, I'm pregnant."

"Does Chandler know?" Rachel asked.

You shook your head. "Uh, nope."

"When are you going to tell him?" Joey asked you as well. You shrugged.

"I'm not sure. I was going to today with everyone else there but, uh, Ross hitting on me got in the way of the plan."

Ross looked down, sipping his drink.

"I'll tell him tonight, most likely. What if he leaves me for this? Oh my god." You said, suddenly realizing the reality.

Monica put a hand on your back.

"He's not going to leave you."

"Yeah, honey, that's not going to happen."

You looked at Ross and the unborn baby growing in your body. "I hope not."

F.R.I.E.N.D.S ImaginesOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora