3. In which our stars crossed

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I can control my destiny, but not my fate, Paolo Coelho.

I had three roommates; Lydia who become my friend, beneath her, she shared a bunk bed with Natalie - though all her documents had Lillian as her name- She was in her third year, pursuing education for special needs children. Beneath me, I shared my bunk bed with Harriet, a second-year medical student. She was quiet, shy, and secretive hardly sharing any opinion with us.

"The black stilettoes will match the royal blue dress" Lydia instructed.

I didn't think I would need the dresses and heels my mother bought for me when I joined college. But now bless her soul. My mother was 'Stacy's mum' in fountains of Wayne's song. She was the fashionable mother who got hit on more than the teenage daughter.

"Here, let me do the magic that is missing" Lydia walked from her bed towards me.

In her hands, she was holding a gold buckle belt. She choose a Gothic look, a black crop top which was printed in blood red 'The Rebel' and black ripped jeans. Her face was bare of any make, she looked beautiful.

"We will be happening!" Lydia spoke with satisfaction.

Finally, the most talked about, most awaited, most advertised Freshman party of the year was here. I just couldn't wait to have a taste of my first-ever campus party.

"What about this dress, does it make me look fat?" Harriet one of my roommates asked as she spanned around.

"Terrible. It's worst than the previous one" Lydia bluntly answered.

Harriet's mouth trembled as she sunk back into her bed, she fought to pretend she wasn't hurt.

That was your everyday Lydia, blunt never sparing your feelings.

"W-ha-t a-a-bout this Pru do I still look fat?" Harriet stammered, her eyes holding hope to what I would say.

Honestly, she looked beautiful. It was a black strapless dress that defined all her curves. My almost flat chest couldn't accommodate a strapless dress.

"It's perfect Harriet" I stated, hoping that would make her feel whole.

She blushed and looked away from my stare.

"I know I look fat" Harriet whined.

'Tell the damn girl, she is fat, and let's keep going before the party runs dry' Lydia texted me.

"Harriet, you look beautiful" Natalie spoke as she walked in. She held the door wide open to reveal a boy with a firm frame that fitted at the door. He was her boyfriend.

For the first time, a mouthy Lydia was silent. We all stared at the stunning species before us. He had small eyes and a delicate nose. His face was weather-beaten for being an outdoor person but in all, he was very attractive.

Natalie had told us about her boyfriend who was a cadet at the nearby Barracks. The boyfriend had rented an apartment near the campus, where she spent her days, and would show up to pick up some clothes. On those days she would fondly tell us about him, she was too in love and even confessed if he would ask her to marry him, she would drop out of school without a second thought.

"Come on and meet my roommates," Natalie said as she held his hand and pulled him inside effortlessly.

He seemed uncomfortable being in the spotlight.

"She is Harriet, Lydia, and over here is Prudence, we call her Pru" Natalie happily introduced us.

I honestly hated my name, I just found it too old-fashioned and when his gaze stayed longer on me, I thought he thought the same thing about my name.

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