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I had not told either of my roommates about my move. I didn't know how they would receive the news. I was sure nothing they would say would dissuade my decision. I would truly miss them. As per my parents, i knew not in a million years would they ever agree to such a decision. They didn't need to know, i just hoped that my mother would never show up unexpectedly at my school hostel.

I had packed all my things and the only thing remaining was telling Lydia of my plan. She walked inside the room with a tired face.

"What is happening? Why are you packing your bags?" Lydia asked confused.

I sighed, "Sit." I instructed her.

"Are your parents removing you from the hostels again?" She asked.


"Then what woman?" She bursted and i almost laughed at her despair.

"I am moving in with Leo?"

"And you are telling me now?" She pouted disappointed.

"Be happy for me, please?" I begged.

She feigned a smile, "There!" She spat.

I understood her anger towards me. We had grown to more than roommates and we shared about our lives with each other. She could be judgmental and a gossiper, But i had grown to like the other side of her, the side that defended me and i could rely on her. She was dependable.

I pursed my lips too, "I am sorry." I said.

"Why didn't you tell me?" She asked.

"I thought you would talk me out of it."

"What? No way! If it were me, i would too take any chance to get out of these miserable hostels." She said.

"Am i forgiven?" I asked her.

"If you invite me to your new house, i might think about it."

I smiled at her, "Fine, you can come with me after all i might need your help unpacking." I said.


Leo Pov

After i was done taking inventory at Annex, i decided to go pick Prudence at her hostel and take her to our apartment. I was still regretting the decision i made at a desperate moment. I shouldn't have asked her to move in with me just to ensure she wouldn't kick me to boot. I should i have just woe her slowly, i am sure she would eventually cave in and forgive me.

Now i was going to have an extra expense of paying rent, the hostels at school were free for student leaders, and the ick in all of these, i would be living with her. Seeing her everyday and exposing my lifestyle to her. I had messed up! I just hope the struggle would be worth it.

She seemed anxious when i found her at the hostel parking lot with her suitcases and one of her roommates with her, Lydia? i think that was her name. There was struggle in her that i related to and she seemed like me, she was doing everything to make a life for herself.

Prudence smiled at me, she seemed excited. Her unnecessary happiness sometimes irritated me.

I walked over to her and hugged her, "Are you ready?" I asked her.

She nodded vigorously, "I didn't sleep last night waiting for dawn." She stated, "What about you?" She asked.

"I neither had any sleep." And that was true, i did debate on calling her and telling her that he was wrong and they shouldn't move in together.

"I hope it is okay i have asked Lydia to come along and help me unpack." She stated.

"Hi, Lydia." I turned to her.

"Hi," She was brief.

I liked her, compared to the other fat roommate, Harriet. I didn't like how she looked at me, like she could see through me. Her disdain was obvious and i knew i had to find a way to break any link she had with Prudence. I am sure she spoke smack about me to her and with time she would succeed in turning Prudence against me.

The girls loaded the bags inside the truck and in no time we were on the road. A permanent smile was etched on Prudence face, it momentarily mesmerized me. To make her happy was so easy. I  expected her to choose a bigger house since she had lived her entire life in mansions, yet she was content with the small one bedroom apartment.

"Do you want anything to eat?" I turned to her side.

  She swiveled her head to Lydia who was seated at the back sit, "What do you want to eat?"

"Pizza?" She replied.

"And i will have some chicken." Prudence spoke, she seemed to have relaxed  around me.

I decided to stop at KFC. I made the orders as Prudence and Lydia waited in the truck. While i was waiting, Kourtney called and i had to sent her to voicemail. I didn't want to lie to her since she wasn't aware of me living with Prudence.

I came back with their orders and lemon water just for me, in no time we were at the apartment. Prudence jumped out rushing inside while she left me to carry her suitcase.

I found her inside the empty house, I had just bought the bed only. I walked inside the bedroom and placed her suitcase by the wardrobe for her to organize her things later.

"This is nice," Lydia spoke, her words were laced with envy.

"It is." Prudence agreed with her.

"You should be fast and we can go choose some furniture." I told them.

I had saved money for my first apartment after graduation. And it was what i intended to use.

"Come let's eat." Prudence called me.

"I don't eat junk." I explained.

"You have no idea what you are missing." She proceeded to eat her chicken.

An hour later we were driving around, the first store Prudence didn't like the fabric used.

"Nothing with a bright shade," I warn her as we walk inside the next store.

"And nothing with a weird shape." She retaliated.

We were welcomed by a post adolescent athletic boy, his gaze stays on Prudence and i drape my hand over her shoulders. She was alarmed by my behavior but that sent a message to the sales boy.

"Welcome, we have fresh cookies as you shop for what you like." He said pointing at the table with refreshments.   

"Perfect!" Prudence spoke, and i followed her gaze. She was right, it was the perfect corner sofa.

I went ahead and negotiated the price and again we were on the road driving back  to the apartment. I was too exhausted and all i wanted was a fresh shower and sleep.

We arranged the living room once we were back and unfortunately i had to eat junk since we had not shopped for kitchen items. Prudence would do that the next day.

I emerged from the bathroom and found Prudence seated on the bed looking nervous. She quickly averted her gaze when she i dropped my towel.

"What do you think you are doing?" She asked.

"Getting ready for bed." I answered.

"You could have done that in the bathroom." She suggested.

"You have never seen a naked man before?" I teased her.

"Don't be absurd, Leo" I quickly wore my pajamas.

"You can look now." I told her.

She cautiously turned and sighed in relief when she saw me.

"Will sleeping on the same bed be a problem too?" I asked her.

"As long as you stay on your side." She warned as she covered herself.

Chapter 34 is now available at inkitt.

Username: ivybrown179

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