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What college students were capable of with the promise of free booze was incredible. When I saw Prudence's text inviting me to her house for a party. I was surprised; my first thought was that perhaps we had different definitions of parties because I had been at her house earlier for a church event. And, despite her efforts to break free from the constraints of prudence and homely girl, she wasn't your typical party girl. I doubt she could escape being who she was. I tried it myself, and all I had to do was accept myself for who I was.

I was with Kourtney at Annex when I received the text. I hadn't told her about Prudence because I didn't think we'd last, and I didn't think it was necessary to tell Kourtney. Kourtney had been acting uneasy since the incident with Prudence, when she unexpectedly showed up, and I knew she was up to something.

We finally arrived at her house with my followers, and I texted her to ask her to open the gate for us. I couldn't get over this palatial home, which I was visiting for the second time in a single day. I hoped that one day I would be able to afford something similar or even larger.

Prudence was waiting for me when I got out of my truck. I was both surprised and pleased. She looked different. If I liked her, I'd find her almost hot.

"You've been hiding all of that?" Edwin said, and I balled my fist, wanting to hurt him as well as find the largest piece of cloth that could cover her. She wasn't supposed to be this alluring. It was easier when she was naïve and plain.

She pulled me aside to tell me her good news. This night, even her touch was different, and it didn't bother me.

She informed me that her parents had approved of our relationship. She appeared pretty happy with the news. She was like a child, albeit an obedient one. I thought it was cute, but it wasn't something I'd want in a partner. I'd get tired of it quickly; I needed someone like Kourtney who did whatever she wanted and wasn't a pushover.

"Leo?" I thought I heard Kourtney's voice because I was certain I had left her in charge of Annex.

"Kourtney?" In a panic, I said her name. "What are you doing here?"

"There you are." Nathan approached us with a smirk on his face. I was convinced he brought her here just to piss me off. He took Kourtney's arm and led her away.

"Who is she?" Prudence asked.

I chuckled to ease the tension, "One of my friends." I lied easily, she was gullible, and i was sure she would believe me if i told her that earth was flat.

And easily believed me.

"Let's get the party started." she said to me.

"I will join you." I smiled at her. "Don't start without me." I had to appear over enthusiastic, which i was not since Kourtney's presence was spelling doom to my plan.

She smiled and joined her friends as they went inside.

I looked around to see if i could see Kourtney or Nathan. And i did. I took long stride towards them.

"Look.." I didn't let Nathan finish talking as i punched his face with a mighty force.

"What fucking game are you playing at?" I asked him.

Instead, he cowered and speed off afraid i would do worse than that.

"A friend? Huh?" Kourtney snapped at me.

"What are you doing here?" I angrily asked her even though i was the one on the wrong for lying.

"What is going on?" She was relentless and my anger didn't dissuade her.

"What do you think?" I threw my arms up showing her the big house, "I am securing our future." I answered.

"How?" She shook her head confused.

"Prudence." I said.

she scrunched her face, "The girl you were talking to?"

I nodded feeling relieved that at least it was no longer a secret.

Kourtney slammed her back on my truck and rubbed her temple. "I don't like this Leo. We don't need her we are almost done with school." She stated calmly.

I took a step towards her and took her hand.

"I neither like it baby," I rubbed her hands calming her, "But, look at this house, her father is super wealthy and she is super naïve. It will be over before you know it and we will be having everything we have ever wanted."

I observed her after my statement, i was disappointed when she didn't smile. The mention of our imaginary future always made her smile.

"I don't know Leo, i have a bad feeling about this." Her eyes were clouded with worry but that didn't take away the beauty she had, it only enhanced it.

"That is what you thought about Rose, and nothing happened." I remind her about another rich girl that was obsessed with me.

"This girl is different, you look at her differently."

I didn't realize that their was a specific way i looked at Prudence, "It is part of the game." I said.

"Is it?" She wasn't convinced, and I wasn't either.

"What do you want me to do to prove that I only have eyes for you and that the rest are just means?" I inquired of her. I was perplexed as to why she was bothered now, when both of us had previously slept with other people in order to advance up the ladder.

She wrapped her arms around my neck and pulled me to meet her lips. It started slow and progressed into a passionate kiss.

"Leo?" When Prudence called my name, I jumped away from Kourtney.

When I turned to face her, her lips were trembling and tears streamed down her cheeks. She turned around and ran back to her house, sobbing.

"It's best if it ends before it begins." Kourtney said stopping me from running after her.

"You saw her coming and deliberately kissed me." I hissed at Kourtney.

"Why are you angry with me, I'm your girlfriend!" She spoke slowly, her words cracking.

I didn't know what to say. She clicked and then left, leaving me torn over who to follow. Either my love or my future.

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