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"Have you seen Prudence?" I asked a girl that I had seen her with.

The girl just glared at me and clicked agitated by my presence.

"I am Leo, can you please tell me where she is?" I hated to beg. It made me look weak and desperate. And in this case, I was. I had to salvage whatever was left of my future.

"I know who you are." She spat with a glare that was enough to bury me alive.

"Where is she?" I inquired of her.

She shook her head, "So you can hurt her again?" I see Prudence did not waste time talking about me and I hope she had not already told her parents, especially her mother who didn't like me that much.

"I just want to talk to her, please." I hate how fragile I sounded.

"Why don't you find her." With that, she walked away leaving me with more reasons to dislike her. I knew she was one of Prudence's roommates but could not remember her name.

I looked around but it was just drunk boys and girls doing everything. This house was huge and I could not think of where to find her. I needed to see her and convince her that it was only her then rush again to find Kourtney and apologize.

I decided to go up the stairs hoping it was the right guess and prayed I would know where her room was. All the rooms were locked and I knew she was afraid that something would be destroyed or stolen which was a common occurrence with house parties. After all, she had some sense in her, and I was surprised.

Finally, I was lucky to find an unlocked room, and when I pushed it open. I heard some noises in the bathroom. I walked in and locked the door behind me.

"Prudence?" I called out as I took more steps.

"It's Leo," I said and waited for her response which never came. "Look I am sorry."

I heard her start to sob again. I neared the bathroom door and lingered outside unsure if it was appropriate to walk in or maybe she was naked and taking a bath. The latter thought seemed tempting and wanted to see her naked form. I had seen it before but not with bare eyes.

I knocked on the door, "Prudence?"

"Go away." She finally responded.

"I just want to talk," I said.

"I don't want to ever see you again." She choked on her tear and hearing her words crack almost had an effect on me.

"You don't mean that." I knew she meant that but it was a tactic to make one question themselves. She was too obsessed to just give up that easily.

The bathroom door was unlocked and she stepped out. Her eyes were bloodshot and she was holding a very expensive bottle of whisky which I would assume she took from her father's collection of alcohol. She took a swing and closed her eyes as she swallowed the whiskey.

"You don't get to tell me what I know I mean." She staggered past me. She had just managed to take an eighth of the portion in the bottle but she was already too intoxicated.

She stopped and turned towards me, " Leo Perez, you are the a-word." She slurred. I smiled at the fact that she was just too pure to say some words which Kourtney would have no problem expressing.

"I am sorry but that girl is an ex that is obsessed with me." I lied and hope like the other many lies I told her, she would believe this one too.

"You are lying." She said and it was unexpected to me that she said that. Maybe alcohol unlike many, gave her wits.

"Come on, lie down, and when you wake up you will see the truth." I tried to touch her but she staggered backward falling on her bed with her whiskey bottle which I picked and kept aside.

"let me go, you big liar." She cried and I tightened my arms around her calming the rage within her.

Things weren't going as I had anticipated. The apology would be fast delivered and she would accept it and I would disappear yet here I was in a back-and-forth struggle. I hate that she wasn't willing to make this easy for me, drunk or not.

"It is only you Prudence, there is no other girl for me." I lied as a list of the girls in my life appeared in my head.

She shook her head and I knew that it was not going to be easy and maybe she was never going to forgive me and that would be kissing my future bye. I had to think fast and any extreme measure now seemed the one likely to persuade her.

"Let's live together." I pulled the big gun and hoped this one would be the one to lessen her anger. It worked as she looked at me.

"What do you mean live together?" She asked.

"You and me in one house," I explained to her.

"Cohabitate, like wife and husband?" She asked.

I shook my head, "Something similar but not exactly that."

"Enlighten me."

"It will be just like a test to see if we are compatible as we plan for our future," I explained.

Her eyes remained on me confused but I could see the wall between us crumbling. It was early to celebrate though I was sure she would consider it.

"Do we get to share the same bed like married people?" She burped.

"If want."

She took a step back, "I do not fornicate." She spat.

Why did I even come up with this stupid idea of living together, especially with her and her prudish attitude?

"I respect that," I told her, after all, I would be sleeping with other women so I didn't care if she didn't want to sleep with me.

"Can I sleep on it?" She asked me.

I nodded and pulled the blanket over her body and waited till she fell asleep.

Chapter 30 is now available at inkitt.

Username: ivybrown 179

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