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Prudence pov

I felt like the rag had been pulled off my feet as i walked to class. Leo didn't spent the night at the apartment and it had been almost a week of living in the same house but never crossing paths. While i slept at night he was at the campus or somewhere else. While he slept daytime, i was attending my lectures.

"Hey, i have been shouting your name," I turned back to see Lydia stop catch her breath.

"I didn't hear you," I said.

"Haven't seen you in days, where have you been?" She asked.

"I have been busy," I lied.

She observed me and scowled, "You don't seem like yourself," She noted.

"I am just a little under the weather. Might be the flu or covid." I dismissed her claims.

"I had a friend in high school that thought she had flu and now the "Flu" is turning three years old," She insinuated.

I rolled my eyes at her, "I am not pregnant!" I stated.

I sensed someone stand behind me and turned to find Eric or my favorite name for him, 'Histoplasmosis'. "Nice to see you again stranger," He smiled at me. I had not seen him in a while.

"Me too," I said sarcastically.

"I was hoping to see you again," He stepped closer.

"Why...?" I was curious as to why he was wanted to see me again and why he just used any opportunity presented to him to just talk me despite being unnecessary rude.

"To invite you again to our party," He said.

I didn't understand why he was still insisting i come to his party after months of refusing, "Okay," I said catching him and Lydia by surprise.

"Really?" He still couldn't believe that i had finally given in to his demands. The truth is that i just wanted to be away from Leo and the apartment altogether.

"Cool," He was ecstatic. He opened his bag and fished out a flyer with all the info i required to be there. "I will be waiting," He said walking away.

"Something is up," Lydia spoke once we were left alone.

"Why? I just want to live a little," I said casually.

"That is not you talking. What happened?" She seemed very concerned.

I gazed up at her, i wanted to pour all my pain to her and the turmoil my current situation with Leo had left me. He just didn't talk to me. I knew that it was over but i wanted him to say it. However, he just choose to put me in a state of constant torture of waiting for the unknown.

I could wake up and leave but for what reason?

"Nothing." I forced a smile at her. "Walk with me to class," I asked for her company.

She was happy to offer it as we spoke walking to the lecture halls.

I had made it a mission to make sure that there was no way Leo would avoid me even if it meant not allowing myself fall asleep. I sat upright when i heard the front door opened. He walked in and locked it. He seemed jovial as he conversed through the phone.

"Babe tomorrow," He said in a soft sweet voice that he had never used with me before.

don't cry...

I told myself, he could be talking just his fan. After all he was popular, campaigning and girls liked to hang around him. Nothing to worry about.

I heard him laugh again, heartily and felt his steps get closer to the bedroom. I was conflicted of just hiding under the duvet and pretending to be asleep or face him now. I chose the later.

He stopped as his eyes widened when he found me on the bed and awake. Probably thought i would be asleep. He ended his call and without a word walked to the edge of the bed to remove his shoes.

"I haven't seen you this week," I said the only thing came to my mind.

"I have been busy the elections are next week," He stated coldly.

"Did i do something to offend you?" All the speech i had prepared had disappeared and the needy side of me dominated my brain.

He ignored me.

"Are we over?" I asked and he swiveled his head at me. His face angry.

"Are we?" He asked.

"I don't see you and after the last fight we had, your attitude towards me has changed." I was getting desperate by each passing second.

"We didn't fight, i just stated the obvious," He went back to removing his socks.

"I will try to be better," Gosh! i was pathetic.

He turned to look at me and i couldn't tell if he was disgusted or felt remorse. "Do you want to do better?" He asked.

I nodded, feeling like a child being scolded.

"Have sex with me." He said and my mouth went aghast.

"What?" I was flabbergasted.

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